chapter 11

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Niall is attacked leaving an interview and the boys must pull together to help their band mate through his recovery. It isn't easy...


The next day followed a similar pattern to the first with an early morning TV interview before travelling to the other side of London for a radio interview and then another one.

Mid-afternoon they did some filming for a chat show that was due to be aired one night later that week. That was fun as the presenter was a comedian and someone who they had worked with before and he kept them in fits of giggles the whole time, not wanting to dwell on all the negativity of the last two months. He even had them bring and wear the onesies they had loved and worn so much while Niall was in the hospital and they spent a good amount of time talking about the strangest gifts Niall had received which the others had been happy to talk about as Niall had never seen some of the weirder things that had come through the post.

The boys all thoroughly enjoyed themselves and it made such a change to the melancholy atmosphere that seemed to hang over the interviews they did.

Then, after that, they were informed that they had the rest of the afternoon off as the magazine interview they were due to have had been called off because the interviewer was ill.

So, it was in high spirits that they returned to their apartment complex much earlier than planned. They congregated in Harry and Louis' flat just because it was closest to the entrance and argued about what they should do with themselves.

"We should go out, go shopping or go to the cinema or something." Zayn said, blowing on Louis' face in an effort to annoy the other boy.

"Nah, I don't know if I fancy going all the way out again." Liam said as he stretched out on the sofa.

Louis shook his head and narrowed his eyes at Zayn as he spoke, "If you don't stop that then I'll put Nair in your shampoo."

"You wouldn't dare!" Zayn said but he stopped because he wouldn't put it past Louis to carry through with his threat.

Niall, who was sat at Harry's side on the floor, suggested that they watch a film.

"There are only so many times I can watch Grease in a month and I think I've reached my limit." Harry said.

"We could go out for food?" Zayn tried again, pushing for them to leave the complex. "We haven't had a nando's in a couple of weeks."

Usually this would have gotten Niall on his side but the younger boy was inclined to agree with Liam that day, he didn't know if he could be bothered going out once again.

"Why don't we go swimming?" Harry asked, suddenly grinning. "We haven't been down to the pool in forever!"

"Ooo!" Louis exclaimed, loudly, and clapped his hands. "Yes! I have that inflatable ball we bought before we went to America in my wardrobe still and I've been dying to see Harry in those trunks I bought him!"

Harry blushed but he looked to Liam, knowing that if they were going to do anything then he needed 'Daddy Direction' on board, "what do you think, Liam?"

Liam smiled, "sure, why not? Niall? Zayn?"

Zayn shrugged, "if everyone else wants to then, yeah, okay. It could be fun."

"Could be?!" Louis sounded outraged. "My dear boy, I think you'll find that anything involving me, revealing swimwear and an inflatable ball is sure to be a barrel of laughs."

"Do you even listen to what comes out of your mouth sometimes, Lou?" Zayn asked.

"Not really, no." Louis grinned and stuck his tongue out at Zayn before clapping his hands and standing up. "Rightio, my little bundles of joy, go get changed and meet back here in 10 minutes, okay?"

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