Note/ Ch.1: Who Are You?

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This book was crossover of the japanese animated movie "Kimi No Na Wa/Your Name" and a mix of Bnha IzuOcha.

This is one of my favorite movies!! Honestly, this made me cry. Its so romantic and sad.

If you didn't watch it, that means ur an uncultured person

Please enjoy the book!!


Sometimes, in the morning when I wake up, I find myself crying.  I don’t know why it happens or what’s wrong, but the feeling that I’ve lost something very important lingers for a long time after I rise.

I’ve always felt as if I were looking for something.  It could be a thing, a feeling, maybe even a person. In the end, it doesn’t really matter what it is, just that something is...missing.  Like a piece of me is that was once there disappeared one day.

Ever since that day, I’ve been searching.  Searching for the thing that I lost. The person that I lost.


Izuku woke up as if it were any other day.  He turned over on his side, gleaning away from the light shining into his eyes.  He smothered his face into his pillow, trying to force himself back into slumber.

'No, I should get up… I’ll be late for school…' He thought.  Reluctantly, he pushed himself off his bed into a sitting position.  Except, something felt different under him. His bed felt much more...solid than before.

Rubbing his eyes clear, he noticed something else was very off. He was wearing a bright pink sleeping gown, polka-dotted with even brighter pink spots.   There was something...else as well. The way his chest rounded out was...not normal.

'Are these...' Izuku put his hands up to his own chest and pushed them against the mounds present lightly. They squished softly in his hands, just like real ones should.  

Only then did he notice everything that was off about the room around him.  There was light brown hair that dropped in front of his vision slightly. He was wearing a pink night dress , and the room around him was significantly more feminine.  There were hair products and flowers laid out around. He wasn’t in his room at Yuuei, that was for certain.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” He shouted, shock all hitting him at once.  He jumped to his feet, panicking. That shriek was strikingly feminine.

“Are you alright, honey?” A man’s voice Izuku didn’t recognize called from somewhere else in the building he was in.

'This must be a dream! I-I’ve turned into a girl!' Izuku thought panicked.  “Everything’s alright!” He yelled back.  The voice that came out of his mouth was not his voice.  Trying to keep as level of a head as possible, he ran up to the mirror in the room and gazed into it to confirm his suspicion.

True enough, the face looking back at him was not...his.  It was to circular, and pink blush was present on the cheeks.  His had short brown hair similar to a bowl cut from the top of his head, and it was brown, not green.  Lastly, he dropped the robe.

Sure enough, as if to seal the deal, two, circular breasts were there to finalize the suspicion.  

Izuku’s face turned redder than a tomato.

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