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Whats Zap, everyone!! Enjoying the story so far? Apparently.... this will be the last chapter before the Epilogue....
Now, to the Story!

The pen dropped to the ground.  

“Wait, no!” He shouted, reaching to pick up the pen, as if grabbing ahold of it would bring Ochako back.  

“I’ve gotta write it down! Her name!” He said, scrambling to grab the pen from where it had rolled to on the rocky ground. He brought the pen up to his hand.

“Her name, it was…” Suddenly, there was a gap in his mind. Like something that ought to be there no longer was.

“What was her name!?” He cried out, falling to his knees.

“What was her... what was…” It was like he was reaching after something running away from him. Like he was trying to grab the air.

And then it was gone.

Izuku looked around, eyes scanning the landscape

“Why am I here?”

When Izuku’s hand disappeared, the black landscape disappeared with him. Ochako was now looking at the lively landscape of Itomori below her. It took a moment for the whole situation to sink in.

She had something to do.

Suddenly taking off at a sprint, Ochako started down the hill back towards the town, legs moving as fast as they could take her.   

“I won't forget! I won’t!” She shouted as she ran, “Izuku! Izuku, that’s your name! It’s Izuku!”

She knew she should be going over the plan, the one he’d made to save the city, but that was taking a backseat. Something more important was completely absorbing her mind.

“Izuku! Izuku!” She repeated, not giving herself a moment’s break.

“It’s Izuku! Izu-” Ochako was cut off as her foot caught on a rock, sending her flying towards the ground. Her forwards momentum carried her down the hill where she struck the ground with a distinctive crack of her shoulder, and rolled a few meters before skidding to a stop. Her entire right side burned with pain, and she knew she was covered in scratches from the rocky trail.

'You can’t give up! Do it for...for…' She drew a blank. His name! What was his name?

Ochako tried to force herself to her feet, only for her right arm to give out, sending her back to the ground.  

“I-Iz…” She trailed off.  She couldn’t remember. Why couldn’t she remember? She swore she wouldn't forget! 'Why now? Why…'

Tears came to her face, and she couldn’t tell if it was from pain or something else. Her right hand fell to the ground, falling limp in front of her face. On the inside of her palm, she saw something. Black streaks.

'His name?' She opened her palm slowly, reading the writing on her palm.


“I love you.”


For some reason, Ochako smiled. She should be sad, she should by crying more.  He hadn’t written his name. Still, for some reason, it helped. A soft smile came to her face, and the tears ran down from her eyes.

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