We're Swapping Bodies?

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Izuku woke up and immediately noticed something different. First off, he wasn't in his room. Usually when he woke up, he saw a picture of All Might staring down at him from the ceiling. Instead, all he saw was a painted white plaster ceiling, no All Might to be seen.

Secondly, he wasn't in his nice and comfy pajamas he normally wore to bed. Looking down, he saw that he was in a tattered form of his hero costume, and his entire right arm was covered in bandages. In the process of looking at his arm, he also noticed that he was in the nurse's office for some reason.

Lastly, he was sore. Like, more sore than he had been in a very long time. His entire right arm was throbbing with a dull pain, though it was kind of refreshing to actually be able to feel it, as it was usually in a constant state of numb from his early days of overdoing his quirk.

The pain in his arm was familiar, but not welcome either. It was the same pain he felt when he broke his limbs with his quirk.

"What happened?" He groaned, trying to sit up in the hospital bed.

"Oh dear, you're up already!" Recovery Girl's voice called, and a moment later she appeared from behind the curtain, greeting Izuku with a smile on her face. Izuku rubbed his eyes with his fists.

"You really tore yourself up out there. It's been a while since you blew up your arm." Recovery girl said.

"Blew up my arm? What?" Izuku tilted his head, completely confused.

"Do you not remember? A concussion perhaps?" Recovery Girl hobbled over, getting out a flashlight.

She ran Izuku through a quick concussion test before shaking her head, "No concussion."

"Wait, can you tell me what is going on?" Izuku put out his hand, stopping conversation.

"I can explain, I hope." All Might popped out from behind the curtain, coming in at the same angle that Recovery Girl had. Izuku looked up at his mentor, waiting on an explanation.

"During the battle trail, you started acting odd. You looked like you had no idea what you were doing, and your movements were sloppy. Then, for some reason, you used a full powered attack with one for all, taking out the entire building at once. We're lucky that you were the only one injured." All Might explained.

"I don't-"

"And that brings me to my point!" All Might cut Izuku off and took a deep breath, "Don't you know not to use full powered attacks anymore? Don't you remember what the doctor said about what could happen if you overuse your quirk too many times? Don't you have any sense of self-preservation!" All Might boomed. He was in his powered down form, just as he had been for the last year or so since the battle with All for One. Even in that form, his voice was commanding and booming.

Izuku didn't even know what he had done, yet he still felt ashamed, shying away from the older man in his bed.

"I-I'm sorry, but I actually have no idea what you're talking about." Izuku looked up into his mentor's eyes. The man stared back, tilting his head.

"You don't remember any of that?" Izuku shook his head.

"The last thing I remember is going to bed last night." All Might brought his hand to his chin, thinking. He turned to Recovery Gril.

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