What Just Happend?

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Izuku sat bolt upright in his bed, breathing heavily and sweating.  The power of One for All ran down his arm, but at least he hadn’t destroyed his room this time.  

'What just happened? I was in Ochako’s body and then the vestiges came and then…' Izuku stopped when he heard his alarm was going off.  He picked up his phone in a panic, looking at it.

“It’s already ten o’clock?! I slept through my alarm for three hours!” Izuku opened up his phone quickly to see if Ochako had anything odd to report, anything similar to his weird experience with the vestiges.

When he looked at the report, he saw the one sentence he had never hoped to see, and it had nothing to do with the vestiges.

“I set up a date with Tsu, meet at the station at 10:30.  I was hoping to go on this date, but if that doesn’t happen to be the case, then you’d better enjoy it on my behalf!”

“W-What!” Izuku scrambled out of bed, running to his dresser.

'You’re set up to meet at the station at ten thirty tomorrow! Don’t be late!'

“T-ten thirty?” Izuku yelled, “I’m going to be late!” Izuku scrambled to his dresser, opening it and going through clothes.

“Is this too fancy? Is it a casual date? Should I dress up? Business casual?” Izuku mumbled as he threw a dress shirt back into the dresser, looking for something more casual to wear. He was running out of time!.

“This will have to work!” He said, yanking out a shirt and pants from the bottom of the pile.  It was a green Polo shirt and simple jeans. Not super dressed up, but just dressed up enough. That way he would look casual if it was casual,  but he also wouldn’t look underdressed if it was a dress-nice date.

Izuku scrambled to get his things together and get dressed, bolting out the door as soon as he had everything.

With a little (technically illegal) help from Full Cowl, Izuku made it to the station at precisely ten twenty-eight.  It wasn’t that he couldn’t use his quirk.  He had his provisional license, after all.  It was just that he was only supposed to use it to stop villains, not make it to his date that he was late for. The date he hadn’t even signed up for, mind you.

Izuku tried to calm himself down and get air back into his lungs. Maybe he wouldn’t look like he was-

“Midoriya.” Tsu’s voice said from behind him. Izuku jumped, suppressing a squeal of surprise.  Izuku turned around to see Tsu and…

She looked stunning.  A simple green sundress with a straw hat on top of her head.  Izuku was barely able to find words, and he could tell his face was as red as a tomato.

“O-oh hey Tsu!” He said, voice a little higher than normal.

“You look nice.  Your hair's a little messed up, though.” Tsu said, blunt as ever.  She smiled at Izuku and he smiled back.

“So, where are we going?” Izuku prodded for info.  Maybe Ochako had set a certain thing aside.

“You don’t remember?” She asked, and Izuku nervously scratched the back of his neck nervously.

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