Moving Forwards!

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Tsu needed a break. They'd been at it for a couple hours now, looking through book after book in search of that one name Izuku was raving over. 'Ochako Uraraka', whoever it was, whatever the name meant, it carried a lot weight. The only times she saw Izuku this dedicated to something was when he was doing hero analysis in his little notebooks. Maybe that wasn't even on this level.

Tsu got a drink from the vending machine, needing to cool down. She was getting tired, and if the book searching was going to be going on for any longer, she'd need an extra boost to help her through the night. Looking at the options, she decided on a green tea.

The vending machine dispensed the drink and Tsu took a seat on the other side of the room on a bench, cracking open the lid and sipping the drink. After a few minutes, she head the steps creaking, and a moment later, Iida popped out from around the corner.

"Is he still looking?" Tsu asked. Iida just silently nodded, making his way down the stairs. He went over to the vending machine and got a drink. It was a large energy drink, the kind that was unhealthy and packed full of caffeine. Iida silently walked over and took a seat next to Tsu.

They sat in silence for a few moments, not knowing what to say.

"I'm worried about him…" Tsu finally said, sighing. Iida nodded solemnly in agreement.

"I as well. He seems really torn up about that girl." Iida nodded.

Tsu hummed, "It doesn't make sense. Why is he so concerned about a girl he didn't even know that died three years ago?"

Iida sat for a moment, finger to his chin and thinking. "I haven't a clue, but it seems fishy to me. Almost like something else is involved. Some outside party."

"Like a villain?"

Iida scratched the back of his head, "I don't know, maybe?" he sipped at his drink, "This is really not very good."

Tsu looked at him, before breaking into soft laughter at his expression, "Have you never had an energy drink before?"

"Of course not! They are horrible for your health and not proper for a prospective hero to be consuming!" Iida slouched, "The only reason I got it was so that I would have the energy to assist Midoriya with his research!"

Tsu sighed, "What is he even looking for anyways?"

Izuku was looking for a sign. Something, anything, to latch onto. A report of missing people not found at the crime scene was his first thought, but that hope had been grimly shattered by the notion of how anyone within a three mile radius had been incinerated the instant of the attack.

The villain's name was Entropy. He had a quirk that allowed him to convert matter directly into energy based on the mass of the object and how long he touched it. Touching an object for long enough would 'prime' the object, and the villain could could choose how long until the quirk actually activated. When the quirk activated, the object would detonate. The larger the object, the larger the explosion.

He only knew this because the villain was apprehended two years ago, when he was beaten in a head to head with All Might. Two years after when he'd left Itomori to be engulfed in an explosion. His motive? 'He felt like it.'

Izuku was seething with rage. The fact that someone would destroy an entire town on a whim, taking their lives, just because he felt like it? That was worse than Overhaul's twisted idea of cleansing. Worse than Shigaraki's drive to end hero society as a whole.

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