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It had been two weeks since the last swap. Two weeks since his disaster of a date with Tsu, and two weeks of confusion. He couldn’t get in contact with Ochako, and he was beginning to get worried. Was it something he’d done?

Thus, Izuku made a decision.  He was going to go see Ochako in person. If he couldn’t see her through their body swapping phenomenon, then he’d just have to take steps to see her in person.  

Now, the thing was, seeing Ochako in person was much easier said than done. First off, he’d have to figure out a day where he could get away without being really being missed. If he went during the week, he’d be missing class, which wasn’t an option. If he went on a weekend, he’d be missing vital training sessions with his classmates. They were second years, afterall.

Izuku chose the lesser of two evils, giving Tsu and Iida the call that he wouldn’t be able to make it to their saturday training session. He hated to slack off on his intense training regimen, but this was important to him.

That wasn’t where the complications stopped, however. There was one, major, glaring problem. He had no idea where he had to go. It didn’t help that he’d completely forgotten the name of the town, and of looking at maps of rural japan hadn’t jogged his memory. All he had to go on was his memory of what the place looked like, and the fact that it was about an hour’s drive from Japan.

With a sigh, Izuku leaned back in his seat, looking at his handiwork. It was as best of a representation of the town that Izuku could manage with his limited artistic ability. He liked to think that it was a pretty decent drawing, and if anyone had experience with the town, they could recognize it from his drawing.

The paper next to it was much more technical, and more for Izuku’s reference than anything else. Using research of location and range of cell phone towers and satellite paths, Izuku was able to triangulate the general area that the town was located. See, it laid in a valley between mountains and it got not cell phone signal, so he was able to use that knowledge in combination with the knowledge that it was about an hour’s drive from Tokyo to find an area about twenty five kilometers in radius that the town could be located.

“So here’s the plan…” Izuku muttered, “I catch the eight o’clock train tomorrow morning that goes to the north edge of Tokyo, and then I ride the bus systems and ask for guidance from shopkeepers. Simple!” It wasn’t really that simple. The expedition could go one of two ways. Either it could be easy and he’d be led right to the town, or he could wander around all day and get no progress.

Izuku looked over at the time and gasped.

'It’s already midnight? I have to get up early tomorrow!' Izuku thought, turning off the lamp on his desk and climbing into bed. He knew that he needed to get to sleep soon, but he couldn’t help but feel a little excited for tomorrow. It was going to be the first day that he’d see Ochako in person.

She would probably scold him at first for bombing his date with Tsu, then she’d blame him for somehow stopping the body swaps. Then, at least he hoped, she’d be happy to see him.

Over the last two weeks, Izuku had felt somehow...empty. Only once he’d lost contact with Ochako did he realize how much he missed their phenomenon. Even if their interactions directly with each other had been limited to little entries in diaries, he still missed it.

Towards the most recent weeks up until the swapping had stopped, Ochako and Izuku had started putting more than just logs into the diaries. They’d ranted to each other about random things, ranging from Izuku’s hard schoolwork to Ochako’s annoyance with being stuck without cell service. They’d talked each other out of low spots, and told each other about their days they’d had inside their own bodies.

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