Epilogue: Your Name

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The residents of Itomori survived that day, everyone coming away without injury. The massive explosion in the sky had been written off as All Might stopping a villain attack. He had been called to the scene to look into what had seemed to be an explosion at the local power plant. Uraraka knew she and her friends wouldn't have ever been given credit for stopping the villain anyways. It wasn't good for public relations.


Ever since that day, she'd felt oddly... empty. Almost as if she were missing something that her heart knew should be there. She couldn't put her finger on it, but ever since then her life had been dull, even more so than usual. Itomori hadn't been destroyed in the villain attack, but after Ochako graduated high school, she moved out of the small town.

She moved to Tokyo, the big city that she'd always dreamed of going back to, ever since she was a little girl. She got a job with a construction company, using her quirk to ease the hard lifting that the workers had to do. She got paid good money, and it was certainly a respectable job. It allowed her to support herself and her father, who had chosen to stay behind in Itomori.

Despite all of that, she still felt like something was missing. She wasn't unhappy with her life, but she felt like there was something holding her back from actually being happy.

It was like she was searching for something. Maybe it was a tangible object, maybe it was something else, but she couldn't help but feel like it was eluding her grasp. It was difficult to search for something when you didn't actually know what it is you're searching for.

With a sigh, Ochako put her light jacket on and stepped out of the door.


Izuku had everything he'd ever wanted since he was a kid. An amazing quirk, All Might's quirk to boot. He was already working as a sidekick with a top agency in central Tokyo, saving people from villains and working towards becoming the next symbol of peace.

Ever since he was a kid, that had been all he'd wanted. To be a hero, plain and simple. Yet, now that he had that, why did he feel so empty? Life felt dull in so many ways, like all the color had been replaced with greyscale.

He still put on a smile for those he was saving, but he couldn't help but feel like he was faking it, that his smile was just there for show, ingenuine. How could he be a hero, truly and down to his core, if he was putting up a front?

It was like a part of him was missing, his other half. He couldn't put a finger on when he started feeling this way, but if he had to guess, he'd probably have to say that day with the comet flying through the sky six years ago.

It was the same day that there had been a villain attack stopped by All Might in a small backcountry town called Itomori. For some reason, he'd been completely engrossed in those events back then, and he still didn't know why. By all means, it should have just been another accomplishment to add to All Might's book, but for some reason, Izuku felt especially invested in that story in specific.

It had gotten to the point where he'd read nearly every single news article about the incident, and he'd even dragged himself out to the town one day to visit. It made no sense, but every single time he looked back on that, he felt like there was something missing .

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