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T H E  P R O L O G U E

"No he is not a human. He is a vampire. Why he need me to be his mate? I don't want to be a vampire ! I want to be a perfect human !! But,Sehun need me and he love me." - Jiyeon

If I become a vampire,am I died? No,I don't won't to die.I want my human time.I miss my human moments.

"Jiyeon,you're mine now.All mine! Don't let your marks gone forever.Just keep stay it forever.I promise to take care of you.Please,don't let it go forever.Stay with me,Jiyeon.I love you." - Sehun

"I don't want let Jiyeon become a Vampire.She is our enemies.She is a human,Sehun.She will broke your spell and she let you die forever."- Wu Yifan ( Kris )

She is my sister.She is not your mate but why you want let my sister,Jiyeon to be like you? I'm Chanyeol and her brother.I don't want Jiyeon become just like her mother.Once if you love her,she will stay forever with you and the spirit will come into her life.Next morning,She will awakening and she become a newborn Vampire.

"There's only 3 words you gonna remember.I love you..Sehun" - Jiyeon

"I won't let you die on my arms.Let us die forever.Not now." - Sehun

"She is a human.Why you let her turn into vampire?You will kill her life!There's no way to keep her away from those evil vampire." - Kai

"Promise me,Sehun.You won't let me die" - Jiyeon

"I promise..Jiyeon..I love you.." - Sehun

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