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Chapter 10 : Sehun is dead !?

[RECAP] "We will meet you again , Jiyeon.."


What is that means? Is he gonna kill me or what ? Sehun hug me tightly and he kiss my forehead so that's he keeps me save. 

"I won't let anyone hurt you again and kill you." I looked at those beautiful eyes and I started to cry. 

"Please keep me save. I don't want to die." Sehun hugged me and he kiss my forehead again. Suho look at us and he worried about me that I was almost killed by Kris. 

"Everything is okay there ? I hope Jiyeon is alright..Sehun .. is she-" Sehun just noded his head and he open the car door for me. Suho feel worried about me and he want me to save. 

"Sehun , you take care of her okay... I won't let Kris kill her. Do you understand me ?". He just noded his head as he look at me with his feeling worried and scared. Suho started the car engine and he started to drive. 

He drive too fast just like vampire does. I looking at outside the window watching those beautiful flying bird. Sehun keep looking at me and he smile. I was listening to my iPhone mp3 'Lana Del Rey - Born to die' okay that song is my mostly favorite song so yeah, I always keep repeating that song until I fall asleep.

We already arrived at our destination. Sehun woke me up with his cute voice. "Jiyeon , wake up.. we are now here..." I slowly open my eyes and I get up. I was half awaken and I look around. "Se-se-sehun.. where are we now?? Am I at the forest ? " I was surprise that I was in the dark forest. Sehun grab my hand and he take me to somewhere he know. I saw a beautiful home with those beautiful fire flies. I was surprise and I enter into his house. "Is this your own house?" Sehun put my bag in my bed room and he nod his head.

"Yes this is my own house."

"So are you staying alone at here?"

"I stay here when I was feeling not comfortable and can't controlling myself"

"so that's why you keep hiding ?"

"I'm not hiding.. I was scared.."

"What are you afraid of ? There's nothing to hurt you"

"Not like that.. I'm a monster and there's no one like me"

"'re not a're a prince.. and you're a good person"


"Sehun , you're the one who I found a friend like you and you're the one who save me from Kris"

Sehun hug me and he kiss my forehead and he was starting to cry. I kiss his cheeks and hug him back. "I need to rest now..." Sehun looked me that I was almost fall asleep , he carry me and put me on my bed. He covered me with my blanket and he kiss my forehead.

On next morning , I wake up and I smell a delicious food. I looked around and suddenly my breakfast was in front of me. I eat my breakfast and I saw a pieces of paper. I opened and read it.

"Good morning my your sleep last night? did you dreamed of me? of course you are right? So here your breakfast , I have to hunt now. I will back at 11:30 am. I promise.. - Oh Sehun"

Okay , he gonna leave me alone now.Now I have to sit down alone at his house and watching television. I went downstairs, I sit on soft sofa and open the television. I was feel scared and I was so panic. I went to Sehun's room , close the door and sit on his bed. I look around his room and it's so beautiful. I looked at his drawing and also his childhood picture. I opened the cupboard and look his clothes. His clothes so nice and beautiful. Suddenly , I hear the door bells. I go downstairs quickly and opened the door. It was Suho and Luhan come over. I looked at their face. "Are you guys okay ?? Is it anything happen?" Luhan give me Sehun's shirt with blood. Suho was very sad and Luhan also. 

"Wh-wh-what is this !? is Sehun...."

"He have been killed"

"We can't found his body"

"No !! no !! no !! he can't leave me here !! "

"We..we..we're sorry Jiyeon..but we promise we'll find him"

"Sehun !! why you do this to me !!"


Hey guys !!! Yeah this chapter will be continued on another story part 2... So if you guys like it please VOTE for me and give me a STAR. if my grammar is wrong or my spelling is wrong please leave a comment or inbox me , I will changed it and fixed it. So yeah Sehun is dead !? Is Sehun is dead or Kris kidnapped him ?? So next week , I have to go holiday with my family but don't worry I will updated okay! and please support me !! love yaaa !!! anyway ! thanks for 1K views !! LOVE YOU GUYS SOO MUCH !!


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