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Chapter 8 : Almost killed

[RECAP] "He know that you only one who can take care of him and understanding him..."


Why must me? Why he wants me to be his mate ? Sehun is crazy on me or what? Damn it ! I was in my room alone and watching those cats and ducks were playing around.My uncle loves animal so at backyards there's many animals he adopt it.My aunts went into my room and she sit beside me.I lending at my aunts left shoulders and I put my arms around my aunt's arms.My aunt looked at me she was worried to me. She took my chin and she smile."What's wrong honey? Are you having a problem my dear?" I want to keep a secret about my relationship with Sehun. But I have to tell to truth to my aunt. 

"I have one big problem.."

"What is it my dear?"

"I-I-I have a relationship with Oh Sehun.."

"Oh my god,are you seriously?? D-D-Did he do anything to you?"

"He just bite my neck and he-"

"And he what Jiyeon??"

"And he said to me..that I'm his mate and he loves me"

"Darling,you're just like your late grandmother since your late grandfather is a vampire"

"what did you mean?

"That's means..Sehun in love with you.He can protect you and he take care of you with his fully love."

I'm getting confused why I should love him? I can't sleep that night I was thinking of Sehun.I hear the windows open and I go closed the window.I can feel Sehun's breathe, I turned around and I shocked.Sehun always make me shocking. Sehun smile like a criminal want to kidnap me. Sehun hug me and give me a forehead kiss.

"How did you get i here?"

"From the window.."

"You brat ! You're clever ! So,what do you want?"

"I just want you..I want you in my heart..I want you stay by myside"

"Of course..Of course can..But,you have to go back now..Suho might be mad at you.."

"No, they don't know I'm here.."

"are you sure about that?"

"Your boyfriend right? Your boyfriend can make other people don't know where am I.."

"You want sleepover here..with me?"

"Yeah..That's i want to tell you..can i-"

"of course can.."

Sehun pulled me closer to him , he hold my both hands and he kissed me softly with love passionate feelings.Well yeah , he is a good kisser too. I slowly pushed him I don't want become worst.Sehun looked at me and he kissed me again with our breathe catching together. "Why?? are you okay?" Sehun kissed me softly and I was too shy that he kissed me just like we both already married. "Nothing..I'm okay.." Sehun holds my hands gently with his beautiful eyes staring at me."Are you sure ?" I nooded.."Just let's do it this tonight.." I pushed him on my bed. I unbutton his shirt and I take off my shirt and put it away. He kissed me hardly and harder. He trying to take off my underwares but I don't allowed him to take off.He pulled my hair so hard and I'm screaming his name. He bite my neck again and slowly he bite my lips suddenly my blood is bleeding and he suck it.

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