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Chapter 4 : Kris attack Suho

"No .. I can't!!! I don't want to be a vampire ! "


One of them can't help me to change into my human life. I was crying and screaming of the pain in my body. Suho come at me and he trying to comfort me. 

"Jiyeon,it's just a bite..Not any curse.Just a bite.." Suho keep patting on my back.

I can't stop crying and I can't control myself cause of the pain.

"Suho,it's just not a bite..there's a curse on that bite..after a few days and month it's slowly Jiyeon turns into a vampire. You just said 'it just a bite'?!" Tao angry at Suho.

"I need to go in my room..please.." I was almost faint,Chen and Lay hold my hands and send me to my room. As they come into my room, Chen put me on my bed and take he take my blanket.

"Don't worry Jiyeon. Everything gonna be alright.." Chen calming me down and I just nod my head and trying to close my eyes. 

Chen and Lay leave me alone and they closed the door.

Suddenly , Sehun comes into my dreams.I was shocked Sehun beside me and he smile at me.He trying to touch me and he trying to killed me.

"Se-Sehun..what are you doing?! Don't touch me Sehun!! I'm warning you!!" I yelled at him but he didn't hear me.

Sehun come closer to me and he hold my both hands."Don't you remember this?" Sehun smile with those sexy lips and he keep holding my hands."Stop Sehun! I'm warning you, Sehun !" I keep yelled at him until he hear me. Sehun kiss my lips and he bite at my neck. I was screaming on pain. 

"SEHUN !!!!!" I woke up from those nightmare.I touch my neck and it still Sehun's bite on my neck.I get off from my bed and I went into bathroom. I look myself on the mirror, my hair is turning light brown."What happen to my hair? Why my hair is turning on light brown color?!" I come into Suho's room and I knocked it."Suho ! I need you to explain to me" I yelled. Suho open the door and he let me in.

"What's wrong,Jiyeon?" 

"Suho, hair color! what happen to me?!"

"Jiyeon,calm down..I-"

"Tell me Suho !!! what happen to me?!"

"That's how vampire changing slowly,Jiyeon"

"What?! I'm a vampire already? How it can be?! No this must be Sehun's bite."

"I guess so,Jiyeon. Don't worry Jiyeon. Everything is gonna be fine."

"I'm scared,Suho."

"What did you Scared of it, Jiyeon?"

"The death..the death Suho..I won't die here.."

"No,Jiyeon. Don't let yourself weak.Now Jiyeon go to sleep and let your body rest"

I went back to my room and I fall asleep.The window was open by itself and one guy who came into my window and he sit beside me.He smile and he touch my hair.I was awaken and I keep quiet.I don't know who is he? and where is he from?I can feel his hand so cold. Suddenly he's gone.I get up from my bed and look around me but only the window is open widely so I closed my window.

On next morning, I saw Chen sit beside me and smiling."Good morning little's your night?" Chen smile with his cute face.I get up and I saw the food is in front of me."Oh , Chen. urmm..yeah everything is fine no bad dreams and no nightmare.Just there's someone come into my room through the window." Chen surprise.

"Wh-who is that person?" 

"I don't know..I saw the shadow and he is tall.."

"It might be Kris.."

"Kris? Who is he??"

"He is our enemies..He is the leader on the vampire clan."


"That's okay Jiyeon,I will tell you the story later.Now Jiyeon,eat your breakfast don't let your food cold"

After I eating my meal,I went downstairs and I saw Sehun sitting at family hall alone.It's creepy yeah I know, I walk towards at Sehun and sit infront of him."Sehun why are you alone? where's others?" Sehun didn't answered me.I was a little weird what's wrong with him.I get off from the sofa and I went outside to take an fresh air. Kyungsoo standing beside me and he smile at me."Jiyeon,why are alone at here? Do you want me accompany you at here?" I just nod my without any words. Kyungsoo weird why am I just keep quiet and didn't say anything."Jiyeon,is there anything okay?" kyungsoo questioned."No..I just wondering why Sehun always keep quiet?" Kyungsoo don't know what to say but he know what happen to Sehun.

"He don't want let Kris know that he talk with human.."


"Because,Kris very cleaver boy and he keep eye on him"

"Who is Kris?"

"Kris is the leader in The Vampire Clan and he is the one who changed Sehun into the vampire"

"That's why he being like this? And then,what happen to Sehun after he turning into the vampire?"

"He just like you,Jiyeon..he can feel the pain and he almost die."

"So that's means, I'm...."

"You are a vampire,Jiyeon but it's slowly transforming you into the vampire"

I was shocked that I almost die on a few months.At midnight,I saw Sehun skipped out from his house,I follow him quietly. After I keeping following him,I saw one big castle and full of bats flying at the top of the castle.I enter the castle quietly and I saw Sehun meet the guy who was come into my room last night.I hear the guys yelled at Sehun and I watch them and I was hiding.

"What?!! You bite that human and you change her into a vampire?!"

"I was wrong,Kris, I know it's my fault.."

"How many times I told you Sehun! Human can kill us and they can broke the spell !!"

"I know but..Suho tell about me to her,Kris"

"Suho?! Suho tell that human about you?!"

"Yes,I warning him that he can't tell about me to her but he didn't listen to me,Kris"

"Let me come to your house Sehun and let me show him how the evil vampire kill those idiot vampire just like him.."

I was shocked that Kris is coming to their house and I run from the castle.I quickly ran , Suho saw me running and he come out."Jiyeon,what happen?" I was exhausted and tired.


"coming what Jiyeon? Tell me.."

"Kris is coming here to kill you"


hey guys! so how is it?? Kris is coming to kill Suho or he just need to talk to him? We will see the next chapter soon..If my English spelling is broken or wrong please leave a comment and I will fixed it..If you like it please give me a star!!!! So, I will updated soon :D don't worry okay !! annyeong~


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