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Today , it was my first day school. Yeah I really hate first day school . My aunt woke me up , I really hate to wake up earlier I always wake up lately of course but my aunt always woke me up ever early morning . "Honey,it's time to go school now.Today is your first day school . " My aunt smile like a gummy bear at me .

 Yeah, she really does . I was so lazy to get up and suddenly my aunt open the curtain widely so the brighten sun is on my face . "Urghhh....I want to sleep aunt..." As she saw me that laziness to get up , my aunt pull my blanket and I have to get up ."Get up's school day..not weekend day...Now go take a bath now.. " Yup , my aunt is almost same with my mother . 

I miss my mother so much I hopefully she miss me too and my dad too. As I get up from my lovely bed , I take my towel and get in to my bathroom. An hour ago ,  I came out from my bathroom , I take my school uniform and also my black skirt. I comb my lovely hair , and I tie my hair neatly . I put my school uniform and wear my black skirt and also wear my long black soft sock. Before I go down , I have to wear my lip gloss and also eyeliner . That's my simple makeup . I go down and went straight to the kitchen to having my breakfast . 

My brother , Chanyeol always hug me before go to school but me and my brother same school , oh yes ! he is little weird . "Hey my lovely sister ,  good morning !! Wow ! you look pretty today .  " Chanyeol big smile at me with his laugh .  I close my face with my English text books .  Urghh he always say that to me . "Chanyeol , please don't ever say that to me ! I shy you know !! " Chanyeol laugh just like a young kid .  "Awh ,you're my sister.why you must shy to your own brother? Come on ,  don't hide your face like that ."  He take my English text books and put it on his left side . But my another brother didn't come to have a breakfast ,  I look at Chanyeol with weird face . "Chanyeol , where is Jimin ? I haven't eat his breakfast yet. We late for school now." Chanyeol stop eating and calling Jimin to come down and have a breakfast . "Well , he is like a boss you know.. 

He always come down in lately . " I know my brother Jimin always act like a boss . Jimin come to the kitchen and sit down to having a breakfast . "Sorry guys. I was packing my books . Wow looks delicious !!." Jimin smile widely and he eat just like a baby . Well  ,  Jimin have such strong ego when he was at school but in family here ,  he always be happy well sometimes.After we finished our breakfast  ,  me with my two brother on hurried to go school.I wear my black school shoes before I go to school  ,  I kiss my aunt's cheeks . My aunt smile and hug me . "Have fun at school okay ? don't go anywhere okay! Focus on school.. " I look at my aunt face just like she gonna cry . I hold her hands and kiss her cheeks again . "Don't worry aunt, I will be fine at school okay ."  I walk straight to school and I take out my phones and listen to music while I walk to school . 

Chanyeol and Jimin  ,  they always late to school yeah they always late .  As I arrived at my school ,  I walk in truth my locker .  My best friend since we're primary school  ,  Dara hug me just like long time we're not meet . She smile widely and jumping just like a little girl .

"Oh my gosh ! You also school at here ?! Thank god finally ! we meet again !! I already missed you !! Where Have you been ?"

"Oh sorry about that day you text me right?  I was at my old hometown to packing up for stay here with my grandmother and also my aunt."

"Oh. That's okay.. Hey ! come let's go to our class !"

"Our Class ??"

Yeah , my friend is kinda weird since primary school . Me with Dara went it to 'Our Class' and I sit beside Dara . Suddenly , Kai come over and he sit in front of me . "Hey there beautiful . Long time no see . " He grin at me with those funny face he did .  I was laughing at that funny face tho . "Oh hey Kai . Why you do that weird face to me?  it's funny you know ."  I laugh while I'm take out my English text book .  Kai smile at me he pinch my cheeks. "Why ? You feel weird huh ?  well , I always do like that you know ? Don't you know your old friends ." He laugh and he got back to his table . I shake my head and smile .  My English Teacher come in to class and she smile at me .

"Good morning class . How's your holiday ?"

"It's was awesome Ma'dam"

Kai answer it with his embarrassed face .I know ,  Kai always do like that . I turn around and I just staring at him with my a little smile on my face . I know , Kai like me since primary school , me and kai were same school at primary school and now we still same school.I was like weird . Sandara look at me and smile . She knows that Kai like me but he didn't tell it.

It's recess time , so I sit together with my friend , Sandara and Minzy . Kai run toward at me and sit beside me with his pretty smile . "You need me sitting beside you ? If you mind to . "Kai smile and he laugh . I nod my head and I just eat my meal . Kai take a chair and sit beside me while he watching me eating . I look at his hands and I pull his hands and take a look.It's look like a scratch on his hands . "Are you.. Fighting again ?"  I questioned but Kai take his hands and he trying to hide his scratch on his hands . "No... I didn't.."  I just wondering , is it fighting or is he just a scratch ?  "Tell me the truth , Kai .  Don't lie to me .  I know you're fighting again ? right ? " Kai nod his head and he pull his long sleeves toward his hands to hide . Suddenly ,I look at outside there's one boy who looked just like a died boy with his sexy light brown eye color and his skin white . I patted on Sandara's back and I questioned at her .

"Who is that boy ? it's look like..."

"That boy is , Oh Sehun . He is a vampire."

"Where is he live now ? did he lives same like me living with their aunts?"

"Some people they said he live with his family . But his parents died long ago."

And I saw there's another vampire family walk in thru the school canteen . But their eyes color is red not just like that boy , the skin just like dead body skin color and their hair color light brown . I turn around toward Sandara and ask her again about this vampire family.

"How about this family ? are they siblings?"

"yes.they are siblings . But they are different."

"What did you mean different?"

"If you want to know more about it , just meet him"

Well , I guess to meet that boy to know more about him . After recess , it's biology class and yeah I really hate Biology class . I walk in to Biology class , I saw the vampire boy sit alone at his place . I go take my sit and yes I was sitting beside him . I looked at him with those sexy brown eye color , and I turned in front and I just doing my class work .The way he looked at me , he just only looked at my neck and also my lips . "You look so beautiful.. Jiyeon" Is he call my name ? He know me ? I looked at him "thanks.. you know my name ?"  I'm questioned . He chuckled  "Well , all students know you well . Is it wrong if I'm call your name ?" He smirked at me with those sexy lips . My cheeks getting turn to red and I was too shy to replied his question . "Ermm...where did you heard my name ? Even I don't know who are you? But you call my name ."  

I went out from Biology class and he follow me from back . He keep following me where I go , I turned around and I was surprise that he keep following me . "What do you want to me , vampire boy ?"  He just smile at me and he keep staring at my lips . "So.. you call me 'vampire boy' ? You know that I'm a vampire ?" He chuckled . I walk away from him , and I go straight to my home . I walked in my aunts home and I laying down at sofa . My aunt saw me with my cheeks turned red . My aunt sit beside me and she smile ."Honey , is everything okay ? Why your cheeks turn red ?" I get up and I take a glass or orange juice that my aunt give me ."Oh..ermm..nothing aunt . I was... oh yeah , I was sweating you know I'm back from school ?"  I lied . 

My aunt kiss forehead and she smile . "If anything happen just tell me ..Okay ? now go take a bath okay.." I get up from sofa and I go upstairs and went to my room . I hear my brother Chanyeol's voice from outside.I look at the window and I saw Chanyeol with his other friends , they always noisy . After I taking a bath , I wearing my white long sleeves and I tied my hair. My aunt keep calling me to come down to having a dinner , I went down and I sit to having my dinner . 

I look Chanyeol with his phone ."Chanyeol , what are you doing ? Don't make your dinner cold . " Chanyeol didn't hear me and he just keep on with his phone . Suddenly ,  Jimin went down and he answered "Chanyeol is checking his instagram and also he chatting with his friends . Don't you know your brother type ?" I don't that Chanyeol's habit always just like that . After I finished my dinner , I go upstairs and go to my bedroom . I have to many homework I need to finished it , so I take my English homework and I finished it all my homework .

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