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Chapter 5 : Kris attack Suho part 2

"Kris is coming here to kill you"


Suho was surprise and shock.Suho pulled my hands , he wents upstairs and he put me into my room."Suho...Why you put me into my room?" Suho stopped and he turn and he hold my hands."You must hide,Jiyeon.So that's Kris never find you in this mansion.." I pulled his hands and I stand up."What did you mean ?? Tell me.." Suho take a deep breath and he slowly let his hand go. "If Kris find out the human in this mansion,he will killed all of us. That's why you stay in your room until Luhan came into your room." Suho leave me alone in my room and I sit down on my bed. I get up from my bed,I open the door and silently I walk through the stairs.

I saw Kris standing at family hall,Suho patted at Kris back with his smile.I just watch them talking and what happen after this.

"Kris,what do you want? I thought you never come here but now.What do you want,Kris?" Kris with his evil laugh and he sit down at the sofa with his cross leg.

"I just receive from Sehun that he told me..You tell that human about his true life...Is that true,Suho?" Suho didn't answer Kris's questioned.

Kris stand up and he pushed Suho through the wall."Suho, I'm asking you! Is that true?! And why you didn't answer my question!?" Kris choke Suho's collar until he answered.

"Yes !!! Yes,Kris !!" Kris let his hand down and Suho fall down. Suho get up and he fixed his collar shirt.Kris pulled Suho shirt. "Why you tell that human about his life?! don't you remember what I said to you when you first become a vampire?!"Kris eyes turning red, his skin turning into white pale skin with the veins on his forehead.

"I just telling her the truth ! I won't keep it secret from her !!" Suho pushed Kris away. 

"I will kill you, Suho!!" I went down fast and I obstruct Kris from Suho. 

"Don't kill him !!"  Tao and Luhan saw me infront of Kris.

Kris smile at me while he trying to bite me."So you're the human, right? Do you know anything about Sehun?" I didn't answered his question.Kris come closer to me and he opened his mouth to take a bite, Luhan run towards at me and he blocked Kris so Kris won't be able to bite me.

"Stay away from her,Kris !! She just want to know more about Sehun. THAT'S ALL !!" Luhan yelled at Kris with his red eyes glowing and his hair started to change.

Kris turn around, he take his jacket and put on it."Well  then,I will see you,Jiyeon." Kris gone suddenly.

How did he know my name? Where did he get my name? Damn it ! That Kris guy looks creepy yet he's handsome. I put Suho's arm around my shoulders and head him towards to the sofa so he can rest."Are you okay,Suho? Did Kris hurting you?" Suho shook his head."No Jiyeon.He just choke me at my collar."Suho was in pain because when Kris tried to chock him was to strong."I will go to take some glass water for you,Suho" Suho nooded his head.I walk through the kitchen and take some glass of water to Suho.

Suddenly , Sehun grab my hands with his cute smile."What are you doing here,Sehun?" Sehun kiss my forehead and he touched my cheeks."I'm just watching what are you doing now.." I pushed his hands on my cheecks slowly and I won't look at him again.

"You don't need to come and watch me everyday.I wanna know,why Kris come here?" I questioned. Sehun keep smiling at me and he keep touch my cheeks. What's wrong with him ? Is he okay or just his mood? I pushed him slowly and I go towards to family hall.

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