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Chapter 9 : "We will meet you again , Jiyeon"


"Jiyeon, you have to hide from Kris"

"Wh-wh-why?? is he gonna kill me?"

"No..he wants you to be apart of his family"



"He know that you have a strong power and energy. So that he can take you and he needs you to be one of his family" I was shocked and getting scared. 

I don't know what should I do now? "Suho,let me take her away from him..I promise I'll never hurt her." Sehun take my hands and he look at me with his smile.

Suho don't want Sehun hurting me but he know that Sehun loves me and he can take care of me."Okay,but promise me don't hurt her and don't ever let Kris catch her." Sehun take me to the upstairs and he go into my room. 

Sehun sit on my bed and he saw my late grandmother picture. "Is this your late grandmother ,Jiyeon?" I smile and I take my grandmother picture frame.

"Yeah..that's my late grandmother.Did you know her?" Sehun nooded his head and he smile at me. I wondering this family know my late grandmother? did they when my late grandmother is alive, they take care of my late grandmother just like me?

"Wh-wh-where did you know her??"

"When I was at 10 years old , i stay with Suho and all members in this mansion I saw your late grandmother when she was young at age about just like you."

"Then ? how did you meet her?"

"I meet your late grandmother when she already getting married. She said that one day I will in love with the girl just like you"

" Did you find it ? that type girl?"

"yeah..I already found it"

"So where is she?"

"She is infront of me with pretty eyes , soft lips and white skin"

Suddenly , Tao come in and he sit beside me on my bed. "Sehun , when you want to take her away from Kris?" Sehun patted at Tao's back and he smile at him with his cute smile."Tomorrow night..I will take my Jiyeon away from Kris." I was so in love with Sehun now.Yeah it's crazy.

At night , we're having a dinner. All boys too noisy some how, Sehun still didn't coming down to having a dinner. "Jiyeon, can you please call Sehun come down and have a dinner." Luhan asked me. I get up and go upstairs.

 I go truth Sehun's room, I go into his room and his room looks so old,those potrait picture with his family already torn with those sharp nails and I saw a necklace with love and inside his late father and mother picture. I go to Sehun and I called him to come down and eat. 

"S-s-Sehun...come we have to eat our dinner." Sehun turn around and suddenly he kiss me. I push me slowly and I was speechless.

 "I will come down later..." I was speechless for a while.I saw a photo frame under his bed. 

I take and I look at the picture. Sehun family is a royal family. His mother looked like my mother , his father look like his sons , Sehun. 

And Sehun have brother and sister. His family picture so cute. I saw another picture frame , I take it and I look. It's picture of a girl I don't who is she but she looked like me. I go downstairs and I sit at the sofa. Tao suddenly sit down beside me and he smiled.

 "Jiyeon , what are you doing?" Tao smiled at me just like a little puppy.

"Oh, I'm just reading a book..why?" Tao saw me holding a book of vampire history. Tao take it and he was feel weird that I'm reading a book of vampire history. " This old book did you read? Wow you're amazing ! Do you like read old books history?" Tao smile again. 

I was shocked that did he know that I loves read all these books? "erm.. yeah, I love read those type books because since I was at History class I have to read all old history books." Tao laughing but not to loud.

At midnight , I was packing up my clothes into my bag. Sehun come over and he sit beside me with his arms around me. "Do you wanna leave me alone again?" Sehun doing with his cute pouts. I turn and looked at him and I kiss his cheeks. 

"No , I just leaving for a while..Not leave you alone. I always in your heart okay.." Sehun hug me and he kiss my forehead. 

"I love you , Jiyeon" I was surprise that he loves me more and I started to hug him closer. 

"I love you too , Oh Sehun.. Don't cry okay , I always with you" Suho open the door and he take my bag to his car.

 "Sehun , are you coming? " Suho asked Sehun with his voice like manly. Sehun just noded his head and he open the car door for me. I go into Suho's car and close it. Sehun sit beside Suho while me sit at the back. While we are all the way to the place that they want to keep away from Kris, suddenly the car broke down. Suho keep trying to start the car engine many times but it's doesn't works.

"Yah ! Hyung what happen?! We need to hurry.."

"I'm trying Sehun... but it doesn't works..."

"Argh ! let me take a look..."

"What happen Suho ? Is it anything ok ?"

"The car suddenly broke down but I don't know what happen.."

Sehun check at the engine with Suho. Me stay in the car by alone. Suddenly , there someone sit beside me. I turn slowly and I was shocked that Kris was sit beside me. 

Kris pull me out from the car and he close my mouth. I was trying to scream but Kris keep close my mouth. Sehun hear me screaming , Sehun and Suho run and they saw Kris take me and was gonna kill me. Sehun eyes turn into red with his hair changes and also his marks coming out around his neck. 

"Put her down ! I said put her down !!" Kris smile and he keep hold me and won't let me go. 

"Like I said , I'm gonna kill your Jiyeon and I will change her into the vampire and be apart of my family.." Suho keep Sehun calm and Suho step foreword to Kris.

"Kris, put her down...I won't her to be a vampire.."

"I won't...but if you want her, let me kill you first."

"Okay.. Kill me now.."

"Suho ! don't ever do this to us !! You protect us !!"

"I have to , Sehun.."

"No !! "

I bite Kris hands and I run away from him. Sehun hug me and he keep me away and stay behind him. "Don't kill Suho..." Kris smirk and he start to laugh.

"We will meet you again , Jiyeon.."


hey guys !! I'm sorry late update because I'm busying with my work..So if you like it please VOTE me and give me a STAR. If my grammar is wrong or spelling wrong please leave a comment I will fixed it and change it.. So love yaaa !!


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