11. Dance with me

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After everyone returned to their vehicles, they slowly drove to a camp that appeared out of nowhere.  "You will have dinner.  And watch the belly dance.  I will show you your table".  They all got out and followed the driver.  He led them to a table one row removed from what looked like a stage.  With great animation the driver explained the camp to them.  "Backside you can ride the bikes in the sand.  But you pay money.  Here you get soda and water free.  And food after the show.  That corner you get beer and wine.  But you pay money.  This side you can get the henna paint".  Everyone followed with their heads as he was pointing to the different areas.  "Two hours.  I fetch you for airport", the short man said as he walked away.

"How are you feeling now?" Eddy asked, looking at Brett with concern.  "A little bit embarrassed to be honest.  I screamed like a girl.  And who gets sick from traveling a bit faster? You weren't scared at all", Brett said with a pout.  "Aww, it's ok.  It's over now", Eddy said as he ruffled Brett's hair teasingly.  "I will get us some sodas or water.  Any preference?" He asked as he got up from the cushions they were sitting on.  "Just water I guess for now", Brett replied. 

As Eddy walked away, Brett took in the surroundings.  Around the big square stage were rows of low tables with cushions for people to sit on.  Surrounding the camp was a wooden fence with lanterns hanging from them. The stage was lit by fairy lights hanging from poles surrounding the stage.  Then music started playing loudly and bright lights lit up the stage. 

Eddy just made it back when a belly dancer stepped on stage twirling and snaking her arms.  The music stops.  Then a single drum beat.  In unison, the belly dancer moves one hip in a way no normal human being can.  Two drum beats, both hips.  As the drum beats accelerate, the belly dancer keeps up, moving her hips from side to side whilst keeping her upper body completely still. It was amazing.  More instruments join in and she picks up a small cane from the floor, which she balances on her shoulders just under her chin.  She wiggles and leans back, balancing the cane all the while, until the back of her head almost touches the ground.  Then she wiggles her way back up.  The music stops as she throws the cane aside, and the visitors all cheer. 

Slower music starts to play, still with a very distinct drum beat.  The belly dancer walks around the edge of the stage looking at the audience.  When she reaches the side where Brett and Eddy are sitting, she points around at people, and then to the stage, challenging them to come and try.  Eddy immediately gets up.  He loves dancing, and that looked interesting to try. 

Once on stage, she takes him by the hand and leads him to the center of the stage.  They stand facing each other.  Then she wiggles her hips once and points to Eddy.  He tries his best to wiggle only his hips, but his whole body moves along.  The audience start laughing.  She steps closer and holds onto his shoulders.  She wiggles her hips.  Eddy wiggles his hips, whilst she keeps his shoulders in place.  The crowd cheers.  She steps away again and then the music picks up speed.  She wiggles five times.  Then it's Eddy's turn.  Eventually they move sort of in unison, flamboyant hand movements included. The audience claps along with the music, laughing and cheering.

Brett can't take his eyes off the stage. He follows every movement Eddy makes, the hips, the hands, the smile he is giving to the audience as he moves with the music.  When the music stops, Eddy throws his head back and moves his hands from his sides down his legs.  The audience cheers as he walks off stage.  Brett meanwhile forgot how to breathe.

"Can I make a career out of belly dancing?", Eddy asks as he sits down, his face glowing with excitement.  "That was ... you are very brave.  Not bad", Brett stutters, focusing his gaze on the bottle of water in front of him. He is saved by an announcement that the food is ready and they can line up to be served near the open barbecue fires.  Brett gets up as quickly as possible and starts walking to join the line.

Dinner was not their favorite experience.  Probably because it's unfamiliar.  Brett ended up eating some flatbread with hummus.  Eddy ate salad with barbecued chicken.  Dessert was the best part.  Sticky date pudding.  Just as they finished dessert, the driver came over.  "We go.  Airport", he said and started walking to their designated vehicle.  Brett and Eddy scrambled to grab their bags and shoes and ran after him.

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