38. The Morning After

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(UwU alert.  But you will have to use your own imagination 😏)
Eddy wakes up with a tremendous headache.  He's confused at first.  He's lying in Brett's bed but Brett is not there.  He remembers drinking lots of red wine.  He hasn't had red wine in many years, and he can feel the effects.  And there's no Auntie Sue with magic medicine this time.  They had dinner, he remembers that much. They watched the sunset from the observation deck. 

He walks to the kitchen to get water and find Brett.  He remembers the trip back down the mountain.  Even though it was dark, Brett was still scared.  He sat on Eddy's lap. They made out.  That's as far as he can think for now.  His head hurts, and he can't find Brett.  He goes to the bathroom and wets a facecloth, then goes to his room, drinks the water and lies down with the cold facecloth over his face.

"Eddy", he hears the familiar voice next to him after a while.  "Are you alive?"  Brett asks.  He removes the facecloth and peeps at Brett with one eye.  "Sit up, I went to a pharmacy and brought some painkillers", Brett says.  "Wait, I will bring water".  Eddy shakes 2 tablets out of the bottle and swallows it with the water once Brett returns.  Then he lies back down, closing his eyes.  "Please don't ever give me red wine again", he groans.  He doesn't understand how Brett is not affected like he his.

"Let the painkillers work a bit.  I'm making coffee", Brett says as he leaves the room.  It takes longer than Auntie Sue's medicine, but eventually the headache starts fading.  What happened after the mountain? There was a taxi ride.  Somewhere in the dark, Brett's face.  Then nothing.

Brett returns with coffee.  "Feeling a bit better?" He asks, as he puts one cup down next to Eddy on the small table.  "Yes, a bit", Eddy says as he sits up.  "Last night is a blur.  What happened after we came down the mountain?" He asks.  Brett sits down on the foot end of the bed.  "Not much", he says.  "We we're both a little drunk, so we slept".  Eddy suspects Brett isn't telling him the truth.  But he leaves it for now.  Maybe he will remember later.

Brett's phone rings.  He finds it somewhere in the duvet on his bed.  "Morning, ma", he answers. 
"Brett, your father is home now".
"How is he doing?"
"He hasn't woken up yet.  The ambulance people said it will take about an hour"
"I hope he doesn't realize he missed two days when he wakes up, ma"
"You and me both.  Anyway, that's not the main the reason I called.  The doctor called.  They already have a diagnosis."
"So soon?  What did he say?"
"Your father has Encephalitis."
"What's that?"
"A viral infection that affects the brain.  They don't know how he got it, but probably from an infected mosquito.  They gave him injections at the hospital and sent a packet of medicine.  The doctor said I can mix it in with his food, then he won't know.  He should start to get better in about a week".
"That's great news Ma", Brett says.

They talk a bit more about the progress with clearing the shop.  Brett thanks her again for all the goods she gave them, and tells her about the upcoming audition.  "I have to go, your dad is waking up.  We talk soon", she says and disconnects.

Brett finds Eddy asleep.  He closes the bedroom door so he doesn't disturb him, and proceeds to unpack the remaining boxes.  It keeps him busy for about two hours.  Once done, all that remains is a heap of empty boxes and the stuff that has to go to Eddy's room.  And the curtains, of course.  He will need help with that.  He sits on the couch and orders some ingredients from the grocery App, so they can cook at home for once.  Then he decides to wake Eddy up, as it's almost noon.

"Eddy", he says softly at first.  He gently runs his fingers through Eddy's hair.  "Eddy, time to get up".  Eddy moans a bit and but then sits up.  He feels a lot better, and his mind is clear now.  As he looks at Brett, he remembers exactly what happened the night before.  He takes Brett's hand in his own and says "I'm sorry Bretty.  About last night."

Brett can see Eddy remembers.  They came home.  They were all over each other,  and ended up in Brett's bed.  He was sitting on top of Eddy and started to undo the buttons on Eddy's shirt.  He leant down and kissed Eddy.  He left a trail of kisses all down Eddy's neck and chest.   And then ... Eddy was asleep.

Eddy pulls Brett down onto the bed and wraps his arms around him.  "I'm so sorry".  "It's OK.  You had too much to drink.  It's not your fault".  Eddy knows it's not OK.  He holds Brett's face with one hand, and kisses him slowly.  Passionately.  Brett grips a handful of Eddy's hair as the kissing intensifies.  Then the doorbell rings. Brett feels like screaming as he goes to get the groceries and pack it away.

As he returns, he can hear the bath filling with water. He goes to pick up the stuff meant for Eddy's room and puts it on the bed. He hears the water stopping, and then Eddy appears in the doorway. "I put some of the peach bubbles your mom gave us in the bath. It smells so nice". Then he walks over to Brett, puts one hand in his shoulder, and whispers in his ear "Join me".

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