26. Rules and regulations

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Eddy woke up with a killer headache. He stumbled down the passage to find Sue for some tablets. She was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. The smell made him feel even more sick.

"Boy, you look like you had a very interesting evening", Sue smiles. "Wait, I have just the remedy", she says as she walks off to the private part of the guesthouse. She returns with a glass bottle with a light brown liquid inside.

  She returns with a glass bottle with a light brown liquid inside

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She fills two glasses half with water. Then she adds a tablespoon of the liquid to each glass and stirs it. "Here, one for each of you. I assume Brett will feel pretty much the same as you".  Eddy sniffs the liquid and pulls a face.  If it won't cure them it will kill them.  Either way the suffering will end.

"Brett", he says as he removes the duvet from the cocoon on the bed.  Brett immediately puts his pillow over his head.  "Brett, wake up.  You'll be late for court.  Here, I have some medicine".  Brett removes the pillow and tries to look at Eddy through squinted eyes. He sits up with a groan and Eddy hands him a glass.

"What is it?" Brett asks.  "Dunno.  Sue says it will help".  Brett sniffs the concoction.  "Chamberlain's", he says.  "The worst memory from childhood to be honest.  But it works, promise".  They both pinch their noses closed and gulp down the liquid.  "Aaagk", Brett exclaims, gripping his throat.  Eddy was flicking his tong in and out his mouth, wiping it with the back of his hand to try and get rid of the taste.  Both rush to the bathroom to brush their teeth and try and gargle with the toothpaste as best they can.  Anything to get rid of that taste.

As they return to the bedroom, Brett plonks on the chair and Eddy falls on the bed, face down.  Then Eddy lifts his head up, looks at Brett and says "Wow.  My headache is gone.  And my stomach is settling".  Brett looks at him with a smile and says "Me too. Told you it was magic stuff".  "I'm taking a shower.  Be right back", Brett says.  Eddy picks out some clean clothes for himself and lays it out on the bed, in preparation for taking a shower once Brett is done.

"Dude", Eddy yells from the bathroom once it's his turn.  "You used all the hot water.  It's f-f-freezing".  He finishes his shower as fast as possible and rushes out to get dressed.  Even if it is summer, a cold shower early in the morning is not a joy.  Brett wasn't in the room anymore, so Eddy got dressed and made his way to the kitchen, where he assumes everyone gathered for breakfast.


Brett was very nervous as he entered the courtroom. Eddy was waiting outside. He was not allowed in as it was a family matter.

Most of the courtroom was wood. Wooden desks, wooden wall cladding. It seems stuffy and old-fashioned. He's not sure what he expected. Maybe a small room with a judge, the lawyers and himself? In stead this was a huge courtroom. Three judges sat on one side on huge leather chairs.  On the right side at a long desk he saw Stephan and three other people he didn't know. On the left side at a similar long table was two people in black suits.  They stared at him as he entered, making him feel uncomfortable.  He quickly made his way over to Stephan.

As Stephan gestured for him to sit down, a lady in uniform almost like the police stepped up to where the judges sat and handed them some files.  She said "Judge, this is case number 17 for today.  Initial hearing to decide medical competence of one Mr. S.E. Yang". 

The judge in the middle looked up and said "I am Judge Sithole.  You can address me as Judge or Ma'am.  I have two advisors of my choice present.  You may not address them.  As this is not a criminal trial, but an initial assessment hearing, there is no defense assigned to the subject of the trial.  In stead, I appointed two medical professionals, who will give their valuable input".

With that, Stephan stood up, "We thank you Judge for your availability on such short notice. If it pleases the court, I will provide a brief of the petition, after which senior counsel to my right will handle the rest of the proceedings".  The judge nodded as Stephan started to explain the facts of the case.  After a while, the judge stops him.  " I understand his son is here to provide evidence?" She asked.  "Yes Judge", Stephan says as he pointed towards Brett.  "This is the son, Mr. Brett Yang".

"Please swear him in", the judge says.  The lady in uniform walks over to Brett and tells him to stand up.  "Raise you right hand".  Brett complies.  "Do you promise to tell the truth in these matters, and only the truth?"  "I do", Brett says.  The bailiff nods and gestures for him to sit down again.

"Mr. Yang", the judge says.  "Why are you doing this?"  Brett was surprised by the bluntness of the question.  "Your Honor, my father is not well.  I am concerned that something serious is wrong with him, that could be treated, but he refuses it.  The longer he leaves it, I believe, the worse it will get".  "That's all I wanted to hear", the judge says with a smile.

"Let me explain to you what will happen next", she says.  "Your father will be collected from home by a medical team.  He will be taken to a hospital, where they will do a full medical assessment and a psychological evaluation.  I will sign an order to mandate it, and police will be present as well.  You can imagine that it will be a traumatic experience for him, so I urge you to discuss it with him before they arrive.  I will make the order out for 2 days from now.  After the assessments, we will reconvene to decide future action.  That is all".  With that, everyone concerned with the case gets up and leaves the courtroom.

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