40. Reunion

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Eddy found it strange that Brett went to work everyday and he had to stay home. There wasn't that much to do and the weather was too miserable to really go anywhere. And there was no news on his work permit yet. It's been almost two weeks now, and he was starting to worry.

He mostly kept himself busy with practice. And he made sure Brett had a home cooked meal everyday. He wasn't the best cook on earth, but he tried, and Brett didn't complain. And even though he wasn't working like Brett, they still shared all the other household chores. Except ironing. Brett does that. In exchange Eddy cleans the bathroom and always does the dishes.

Towards the end of August, they woke up to a calm, sunny day. There was no wind blowing. And it wasn't too hot out either. It was the perfect day for some outdoor activities.

"Ahhhhh, nooooo", Brett groaned as he stepped onto the balcony leading off the living area. "This is not fair. I have to go work, and look how perfect this is. We could've gone out to do something fun". Eddy comes over to give him a hug and says "it's probably the first clear day of many. Don't worry, soon it's weekend then we can go and do something nice". With that Brett gets all his stuff together and leaves for work.

Not long after, Eddy gets a phone call. It's the one he's been waiting for, about the work permit. It was approved. He can start work tomorrow. He can't believe how great this day is starting off. And then he gets an idea. He dials a number on his phone to make some arrangements, then he grabs his wallet and the keys and leave the apartment as well.

When Brett returned home, he was tired. They played the same passage over 50 times today. Every time the recording started, someone came in late or early. With no recording running, everyone played perfectly. All he wanted now was some of Eddy's home cooking, a long bath, and sleep. As he enters the apartment, it's eerily quiet and there's no hint of cooking. "Eddy?" he calls out. No response. Then he spots a yellow post-it note on the breakfast table. "Come to the roof".

As he exits the elevator, he is speechless. Eddy was standing next to the barbecue, turning some meat. Johan and Sue were sitting under an umbrella on some deck chairs, each with a cocktail in hand. His mother was busy cutting some cherry tomatoes into a salad, and his dad was sitting at the end of the picnic table, yelling out instructions to Eddy.

"Brett, you are home!", his mother says as she walks over to give him a hug. "Eddy thought since the weather is so nice, we all meet up for a barbecue". She leans in a bit closer to Brett and whispers "I don't think he has ever done a barbecue. But don't worry, your dad is teaching him". "Poor Eddy", Brett laughs, as they make their way over to the guests.

"Can I make you a cocktail?" Eddy asks as he hooks the grill tongs on the side of the barbecue and wipes his hands on the apron. "Actually, it looks like you have your hands full already", Brett laughs. "No matter", Eddy says, as he pours a variety of drinks into the cocktail shaker. He adds some ice, and then with elaborate gestures, twirls and shakes he blends the mixture, to everyone's delight. He takes a big round glass, pours in the mix and then adds a pineapple slice with a green umbrella on the side. Lastly he adds a straw.

"Who are you, and what did you do with Eddy?" Brett laughs as he sits down to take a sip from the concoction. He nearly chokes. "Dude, this is so strong", he says as he catches his breath. His dad interrupts, scolding Eddy for leaving the meat so long. A true chef always keeps an eye on his food. When he does a barbecue, he doesn't take his eyes of the grill. "Old man", his wife says. "Quiet, leave him be. I remember the first barbecue you made at home. Let's just say, it would've been appropriate to have a funeral after for the cremated remains". Everyone bursts out laughing.

As Brett looks around, he knows this is a day he will always remember. Johan started telling some stories of how he had to learn how to cook after they got married, as Sue was working and he was home. Not to be outdone, Brett's dad adds his memories, which, obviously, has to be more dramatic. "OK", Sue says as Eddy starts putting the meat into a serving dish. "That's enough from you two. I'm sure Eddy's cooking will be excellent and you don't hear him complaining, do you?"

And it was good. They all sat around the big picnic table, eating, laughing, taking about anything and everything. Brett lifts his cocktail glass for a toast. "To good friends and family", he says, holding up his glass. "Oh, and to Eddy, the greatest chef alive!" The all clink glasses. It was indeed a good reunion.

After the guests left, and they were alone in the apartment, Eddy told Brett about the work permit. "I'm so glad, Eddy. I was getting worried you are turning into a housewife. Not that I mind coming home to a clean apartment and home cooked food every day, but the whole apron thing is a bit much", he chuckles. Eddy puts on his best Asian mom voice and says "I work here for you all day, to clean and cook, and you don't appreciate? You think I'm funny, lah?" They both burst out laughing.

"I'm gonna take a bath. I'm tired", Brett says as he walks off to to bathroom. Eddy packs away the last few dishes, and puts the leftover barbecue in the fridge. He switches on the TV to catch the last bit of the evening news. Then he switches channels and finds a documentary on Ancient Egypt. It seems to him they didn't do their research very well, as they seems to get a lot of facts wrong. He spends twenty minutes arguing with the TV screen. Then he realizes, Brett still hasn't come out the bathroom.

"Dude", you're going to turn into a raisin", he says outside the door. No response. He slowly opens the door and his heart melts immediately. Brett's head was sticking out from a huge cloud of bubbles. His head resting on the edge of the bath, fast asleep. Eddy pulls the string to let the water out, fetches a towel and wakes Brett up. As Brett stands up, Eddy wraps him in the big soft towel, and helps him to step out without falling. "Get dry. I will get you some pajamas", Eddy says. A very sleepy Brett enters the bedroom. He fumbles to put on the pajamas, and then gets into bed.

Eddy goes to switch off the lights, puts on pajamas as well, and then lies down next to Brett, who is now fast asleep. "Good night, Bretty", he whispers as he places a small kiss on Brett's cheek. Then he snuggles his head into Brett's neck and drift off to sleep as well.

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