15. Akward

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Eddy woke up before the stewardess came around for the morning call. He decided to avail the showering facilities before Brett gets up. He didn't have a change of clothes, but being so-so showered with clean hair already went a long way. And he could finally brush his teeth. It felt all fuzzy when he ran his tongue over them. He probably should've done it before sleeping but they were just too tired. He took off his shirt and rolled up his pants' legs to just under the knees.  He lowered the shower head and bent over so he could wash his hair. Almost instantly he felt a sharp pain on his cheek. He completely forgot about the cut, and the dressing is now soaked.

He quickly washes his hair and himself with a small hand towel as best he could.  After putting on his T-shirt and rolling down his pants, he brushes his teeth and does a so-so shave. Finally he rubs his hair dryer and then combs it for the first time in more than a day. He looks almost descent, if he may say so himself. He turns his face to look at the scar and carefully removes the wet dressing. It started to form a scab, so he decided to leave it uncovered to heal further.

As Brett slowly opened his eyes, it took a while to remember where he was. The bed was so comfortable and the duvet and pillow oh so soft. He didn't want to get up at all. He stretched himself like a cat, yawning. And then slowly sits up. Behind the closed window blinds he can see the sun is now truly up. It is summer in South Africa, so no doubt the sun would be blazing hot. He is surprised when Eddy steps out the bathroom, as he thought he was still sleeping, judging by the shape of the duvet on the other bed.

"Good morning", Eddy said softly. "Slept well?"
" I think it's one of the best I've ever had to be honest. I wanna take this whole seat contraption thing home with me", Brett chuckled.
"I thought to get cleaned up whilst you were still sleeping. I feel like a new person. And look, the scar already started to heal", he said as he turned the side of his face for Brett to see.

"Come closer, can't see", Brett said, as he reached for his glasses on the center console.
"Oh yes, I think it will heal quite well", he said as he held onto Eddy's cheek to turn his face from side to side and get a better look.
"I think I will go clean up as well", he said, taking his backpack and toddling off to the bathroom. "Do you think you can order us some coffee?"
"Good idea, I'm on it", Eddy said, as he presses the service button.

Brett is greeted by the smell of fresh ground coffee as he steps out of the bathroom. He plonks his backpack near the chair on his side. The hostess already took all the bedding away and put the seats in upright position.

He takes the chair opposite Eddy and prepares himself a cup from the big pot in the tray. He has something to ask Eddy but he's not sure how to start. He adds sugar and stirs the coffee around and around, lost in his thoughts.

"Dude, you're gonna stir a hole into the cup", Eddy grinned. "What's on your mind? You seem far far away."
"Dunno, just stuff. Where are you staying in Cape Town?" That's a good start he thinks.
"Oh. I forgot the name already. Wait". He flips through his phone until he finds the confirmation email. "ANTIE SUE's. Number 17 Wale street".
Brett looked at him in surprise. "Interesting", he says.

"What do you mean? You know this place?"
"Yes, I've passed by it a few times", Brett said with a smile.
"I feel awkward asking, but you are literally the only person I know in South Africa. Do you think I can have your phone number? You know, for emergencies and stuff", Eddy says staring into his cup.  Brett didn't know what to make of that. He didn't want to be just an emergency contact for Eddy.

The air hostess came to tell them that they will be landing soon, so seat belts on. Both stared out the window as the plane made a wide turn to approach the airport. The view of Table Mountain was breathtaking. Eddy saw pictures before, but it doesn't compare at all to this. This could be a very nice place to live after all.

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