21. Surprise

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Note:  South Africa currency is Rand.  10 Rand = 1 $

Brett was woken up by his mother.  "There's someone at the door for you". Eddy, he thought.  He asked Eddy to come by and help him with the banking.  He hops out of bed to go fetch Eddy at the door.

"Morning", Eddy greets him with a smile.  Brett brings him through to the living area.  "Ma.  This is Eddy.  We met on the flight over". 
"Nice to meet you", Eddy said, holding out a hand.  She shakes it with a loose grip.
"Eddy came to help with the banking.  It's too much to carry", Brett says.
"Your dad won't like it.  But he is still sleeping.  Hurry up so you can get going before he gets up.  You can ask him for the bank book just before you go".

Brett rushes off to get dressed and fetch the money and backpacks to carry it in.  Eddy remains in the living room in awkward silence.  He's still standing, as Brett's mom never offered him a seat.  And he thought it would be rude to just sit down.

Brett returns with two backpacks, heavy from all the coins and other mixed currency.  He hands both to Eddy.  Then he makes his way to his parents' bedroom to wake his dad for the bank book.

"Dad.  Dad", he says softly whilst shaking his dads shoulder.  As he slowly opens his eyes, Brett says "I need the bank book.  I'm on my way to the bank now".  "Help me sit up".  His dad is very unsteady, but manages to keep himself upright as he says "Turn around".  "What?"  "Turn around I said". Brett hears some shuffling of papers and a few thumps.  "Here", his dad says whilst holding out a small blue book in a trembling hand.  He lies down again and is asleep almost immediately.

Brett puts the bank book in one backpack and slings it over his shoulders.  Eddy puts on his bag and they leave, Brett's mom not looking up once. 

They take the bus to the center of Cape Town where all the banks are located.  Inside, they take a ticket for bulk deposits and sit down to wait their turn.  When their number is called, they go to a small room next to the row of tellers.  The lady inside buzzes them in.

Brett puts the first bag on the desk and hands her the bank book.  She types some numbers into the computer.  "It's been a while since the last deposit", she says.  "My dad usually does it.  He's taken ill so I will come and do it till he is better.  She smiles.  "I'm sorry to hear that,  give him my wishes for a speedy recovery".

Then the process of counting the money begins.  Brett and Eddy help to sort all the coins and notes by denomination.  It takes almost 20 minutes until both bags are empty.  The teller then starts adding the coins one denomination at a time into a counting machine.  After each batch she prints a little slip and keeps it aside.  Then the bank notes go through a different counting machine.  Once all the money is counted, she puts it in big clear bags and tie it with a red security tag.  She turns to the computer and types the slips in one by one. 

"Do you mind if I add it up also?" Brett asks to Eddy's surprise.  She hands him the slips and a calculator once she typed up the last one.  Brett adds them all up.  His eyes wide when he's done.  214,560.18.  She confirms that's the amount.  Then she takes the bank book, opens it on a blank page and puts it in a small printer.  All the details of the deposit is printed line by line. The last few lines detail some interest earned and bank charges.  The last line shows the new balance.  She stamps and signs the page and hands the book back to Brett.

Brett checks to see if everything is the same as he calculated.  And then he sees the balance.  "It must be some mistake", he says to the teller.  "The bank balance.  It must be wrong".  She types on the computer again and says "No.  That's the right balance".  Brett's face turns pale as he gets up, thanks her, and makes his way out the door, Eddy following silently behind him.

As soon as they are outside the bank, Brett finds a bench to sit on.  He takes a few deep breaths to steady his nerves.  "Eddy.  Remember how I told you my dad refused treatment because it would be too expensive?  And how him or my mother works in that stupid shop every day of the year?"  "Yes".  "Eddy nodded.  "They have almost 20 million in the bank".  Both sat in silence for a few minutes, neither knowing what to say.

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