Chapter 11 - Dex

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WARNING: This chapter gets a little dark at the end. 

Later that night, as Dex was finishing the last of his homework, his Imparter buzzed. "Voice-mail." Dex said tiredly. It was late, after all.

There was a resounding beep, then Biana's voice filled the air.

Dex, the council has requested that you and Tinker start drafting melder upgrades.

Terik said something about a series of 'bugs' in the current system?

I really don't know.

Oh, and also, what happened with Keefe? Sophie's not answering my calls and Fitz only told me it had something to do with his second ability.

I'm so lost


I guess I'll just ask them tommorow, at Havenfield.


Dex sighed.

Ever since the incident with the crush cuffs, he made a mental vow not to get involved with any of Sophie's boy troubles. Then again, Keefe was his friend and the only person besides Sophie to actually make him feel like he belonged.

As for the melder issues....Terik was probably just using it wrong. Dex had a melder of his own and he'd never had any trouble with it.

Dex sighed and rubbed his eyes.

Resolving to call Terik tommorow, he started reorganizing his notes

However, he'd barely gathered up all his Elvin history materials before every single speaker in his room started going off, signaling that someone had just disabled every single defense he'd stationed around his house.

Before Dex could even think about the implications, his roof was torn right off and a gust of wind bound his arms and legs to the wall. The elf craned his neck, searching for his melder.

Unfortunately, it was on the opposite side of the room.

"So this is the home of the great Dexter Dizznee."

Dex glanced upward. Levitating just above his house were four figures; three were hooded, but the fourth had her hood down, letting the moonlight

The elf muttered a curse. Of all the elves who could've attacked him, why her?

Vespera laughed coldly.

"Now, now, Dexter." she chided. "Is that any way to treat a guest?"

When he failed to reply, she continued on.

"Outside, those traps you set?"

"They're impressive, to say the least. Seems like you're finally learning to be a bit more ruthless."

Her voice was like sweetened honey, making him want to feel proud.

He'd spent hours trying to come up with the traps, so he deserved praise for all that hard work. Dex shook his head. She doesn't mean it. he told himself. She's just trying to influence you.

"What do you really want, Vespera?" he asked. "I know it can't be because of my inventions. They're keyed to only work for my friends."

The Empath rolled her eyes.

"Of course. The little 'weapons' that you built?"

"Again, very creative, but futile."

One of the hooded figures cleared its throat, making the former Empath sigh.

"Alas, I cannot stay and chit-chat about technology." she lamented. "It's a fascinating line of work, really, but enough of that! "Let's get down to business."

Vespera drew a silver falchion from the depths of her cloak.

"You are going to tell me exactly where you hid Taborlin's journal, or..."

"Or what?" Dex challenged.

The empath smiled, then nodded to the cloaked figure on her left.

The figure snapped its fingers, and the battered form of his father, Kesler popped into view

He was  covered head to toe in gashes that oozed blood, and had a dark circle around his left eye. To make matters worse, his left arm was twisted at an unnatural angle, almost as if it had been forcibly snapped.

Dex felt sick to his stomach.

Seeing the nausea on his face, Vespera placed the tip of her blade against Kesler's neck.

"Or I'll end your father's meaningless life."

"You have five seconds."




"Stop!" "I don't know." Dex cried.

Vespera's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean, you don't know?"

"I mean I never got the journal!" he admitted. "Really, that's the truth. I couldn't find it the registry, but it wasn't in the library, promise."

"Please, just don't hurt him." Dex pleaded.

"I'll do anything."

Vespera raised her brow.

"You'd willingly betray your friends, just to save your father?"

Once he realized how that sounded, Dex admitted to himself that it didn't sound as smart of an idea.

"No, but-"

Vespera cut him off with a wave of her hand

"I'm tired of this banter. Tell the truth or I will kill your father now."

"I told the truth!" Dex screamed desperately.

"Please, you have to believe me."

Vespera shook her head.

"I don't have to do anything, little inventor. Besides, you already know too much." Turning sharply, she addressed the figure to her left.

"End it." she ordered.

The figure gave a single nod and snapped it's fingers.

There was a burst of heat so strong, it sent Dex flying backward, then, darkness. 

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