Chapter 1 - Keefe

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As the light from the forbidden crystal faded, Keefe found himself in a dirty alleyway between two buildings. For a second, he worried the crystal had taken him to the wrong place. Then the smell hit him. Keefe gagged and doubled over. The alleyway, no the entire city reeked of pollution.

How could humans even bear to live with the stench? he wondered. Any elf who experienced it would try and actually solve the problem, instead of just ignoring it.

Then again, elf senses were naturally superior to human senses, so maybe the humans simply couldn't smell the stench.

Keefe shook his head, then took stock of his supplies.

Three sets of clothes, one set of human clothes, four notebooks, a melder, his black swan pendant and Mrs. Stinkbottom.

Oh, and the secret pouch that Keefe wasn't allowed to think about.

Actually, as a matter of fact, he could think about the pouch since Sophie and Fitz were miles away.

That is, unless Sophie found his mind telepathically.

Keefe sighed, knowing he was overthinking things.

Taking a quick look around, he made sure the alley was absent of cameras, then detached the camouflaged pouch from under Mrs. Stinkbottom and unzipped it. Inside was a small red charm shaped like a phoenix and a map of the city.

Keefe could still clearly remember where he'd gotten the charm. Back when he was doing chores for the Neverseen (ugh), he'd come across a series of files labelled "Forbidden Secrets." Of course, his interest had been piqued, so he created a diversion and stole the files. Later that night, he'd read each and every one of them, and the secrets they revealed were lifechanging.

Apprarently the case file was on the suspected existence of Phoenix, another rogue group with "abilities unlike no elf had ever known." Phoenix had only come onto the Neverseen's radar after a failed mission to gather intel on Sophie's human family.

Apparently the author of the file almost made it onto the property before "a falcon, a stag, and a bear made of pure energy" formed and drove him off. The author even included a picture of the animals, and of the small masked figure directing them.

The author also included more pictures of the masked individual in London. Most of the photos were blurry, except for one, which depicted the individual standing in front of a tall house with a green door. And not just any green door, but the same door Keefe's mother sent him to. At the end of the file was the charm, which had been dropped by the masked figure.

If the file was right, and Phoenix had elves that wielded incredibly powerful abilities, then maybe if he could find them they could help fix him like the Black Swan had done for Sophie.

It was a stretch, but Keefe had no other options.

Bracing himself for the worst, he repacked all his supplies, then exited the alley. 

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