Chapter 12 - Dex

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Dex floated through a sea of darkness. Voices faded in and out, perhaps signaling the passage of time. He really couldn't tell. At certain times, he'd feel a trickle of warmth, but for the majority, just cold. Icy cold, like he was covered in snow.

He would've stayed like that forever had it not been for the surge of light around him. It radiated outward in all directions, driving away the darkness. Dex himself felt a surge of fear, but a burst of warmth quelled it. Once the darkness was cleared away, the light gently wrapped around his consciousness, propelling him upward. Faster. FASTER, until finally, he opened his eyes.

Everything around him was blurry. He could faintly make out four shimmering walls, a crystal bedside table , and a couple of windows. Rubbing his eyes, Dex squinted through the haze. Slowly, the room came into focus. Instead of the walls being made of light, they were actually covered in beads. Thousands upon thousands of beads. Even partially groggy from sleep, Dex recognized the room. This was where Keefe stayed when his charmspeak ability activated. Which meant...he was at Splendor Plains. But why in the world was he at Elwin's estate?

Dex shrugged. Most likely he'd been helping Elwin brew tonics and just fell asleep. He was taking advanced alchemy for a reason, after all

Stifling a yawn, the technopath hopped out of bed and made for the door. Or at least, he tried to. The second he pressed his wrist down on the cot, a burst of pain radiated through his entire arm and up through his shoulder like a spear had been driven up his arm. 

Gritting his teeth, Dex repeated his attempt, albeit a little slower this time. His wrist still twanged with pain, but at a more manageable level. Satisfied, he made for the door, only to have it open in front of him and the owner of the estate walk in.

The healer and the technopath paused, then noticed each other. For a second, they just stared. Then Elwin fell backward, clutching at his registry pendant.

In a hoarse voice he asked "How in the world are you alive?"

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Phoenix Rising (Book 9)Where stories live. Discover now