Chapter 8 - Keefe

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Keefe felt unsteady on his feet. His head spun. He had a sister? But how? For as long as he could remember he'd been an only child. Unless...unless his mother had erased his memory of Kayla along with whatever 'errands' that he ran for her growing up.

The thought sent Keefe spiraling into a whirlpool of emotions.

Love, joy, fear, relief, confusion, hate. Every single emotion at once. The feeling was overwhelming. He couldn't think. Couldn't breath. Could only be dragged downward, downward, downward into oblivion.

Until, everything stopped and a cool mental breeze swept across his heated emotions. The whirlpool tried to restart, but more breezes swept through his head, calming him.

Deep breaths, the voice commanded. It's going to be OK

Keefe reluctantly obeyed, breathing deeply until the haze of emotions faded and the relieved face of his sister came into view.

"Everything all right now, Keefe?" she asked

Keefe nodded, feeling a rush of embarrassment. Usually he would be the one sending the comforting emotions, so for another Empath to do it for him was a new experience.

He sighed and pulled himself to his feet.

"So, do you know where to find Phoenix?" Keefe asked.

Kayla nodded. "Just follow my lead."

His sister sheathed her blade, then drew out a black orb. "Take a deep breath." she instructed. When Keefe reluctantly obeyed, she smashed the orb at their feet, and a bubble of black smoke surged up around them.

Keefe stumbled backward and almost fell over had his sister not pulled him back to his feet.

Kayla held up three fingers, then two, then one, then took out another stone and dropped it.

With a burst of energy, a shimmering blue portal formed.

Kayla gestured to the portal, then back to Keefe.

Keefe shook his head wildly.

The doorway looked like a gaping mouth, ready to swallow him whole.

Kayla shook her head, then without warning leaped the both of them into the portal

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Phoenix Rising (Book 9)Where stories live. Discover now