chapter 1

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Crack of dawn.
It's 7:00 am .

Alarm was ringing. You woke up and start yawning. U said "ahhhh again same day, going to school and facing that stupid jungkook again and again he will give me to do his homework" u urgh "but what to do, I need to face it as life goes on like this".

You got up from bed, took a shower, wore your uniform, did a ponytail, put some make-up and got ready for school. U wore a fake smile on your face, so that ur parents can't see ur sadness.

U went downstairs and wished ur parents "good morning omma and appa". They replied u back "good morning sweetie, come have breakfast". U asked "what u made omma"? She replied "I made ur favourite cheese grilled sandwich"
U commented "wow omma, I love it thank you". "Welcome sweetie" she replied back.
Ur father asked" how's your school going?" U replied with a smile "good,"
Ur father replied back "that's great".

U finished ur breakfast, took ur school bag and going to school. But u suddenly realised at the entrance of your home, that u forgot to take ur school id. U went back and then u heard ur parents were discussing about some financial condition. U just stand there and listened to them.

"Hmm I don't think, I can give her further future education anymore, my job is gone, we don't have good finance". Ur mom replied "but it's about her future, we can't take risk". "Hmm that's y I decided to sell this house and move to our old small house".

Then u suddenly entered in the hall. Ur parents saw you and got panicked "y-you didn't went to school yet". U replied "no actually, I forgot to took my id card". "Ohhh" ur mom said with a deep sigh and gave you the I'd card. U suddenly questioned them " why didn't you say about this to me"?
"S-say about what"? Ur mom asked with hesitation. u replied her "about the financial condition".Then u continued " y'all don't need to worry, we will not move to the old house, I will get the part-time job soon and I'll pay my school fees atleast, and u don't need to worry about my future education I will take a scholarship...". U left the house after that, before they could say u anything.

Your pov
I was on the school bus, and thinking about how I will get the part- time job quickly and get rid of this financial problem. Then I reach the school.

I unshoe my shoes and kept in the Shelf. Then suddenly someone hit my head back. I shouted "aishhhhhhh jungkook". I turned back and saw it was Lisa. " Oh it's you, I thought it's again jungkook". Lisa bursted into laughter "lol". U replied "hey,stob it."

U both walk towards the class laughing loudly. Then Someone put his feet infront of class entrance, u bumped on to it and fell down. U shouted "ahhhh". Then u heard someone is laughing loudly, u got up and saw it was jungkook.

Lisa shouted "u again, how dare you? I won't leave u this time". She pushed jungkook but u hold her. "Wait lisa, let's not fight with him and make our morning worse". U said to her and went to your seat. Lisa gave glare to jungkook and followed u. He smirk at u and took his seat just behind you.

"Good morning, y/n and Lisa", Taehyung said with his boxy smile.
Automatically smile appeared on your face after seeing his energetic smile.

U sit between Lisa and Taehyung, and jungkook sit behind you

Teacher entered the class, y'all sat quietly, then suddenly jungkook threw a paper at u and asked " did u completed my homework, jungkook glared at u...". U replied , "yeah".

Then U r fully concerntrating on ur class. Meanwhile jungkook was taking a nap and listening to music.

Now it was lunch break, u said to tae and Lisa that u need to talk about smthng important. They went to cantin before you, because you need to complete some small task. U completed the task quickly and going to the canteen, but u got stopped by jungkook.

U asked "what happened now? I need to go to the canteen quickly". "What so hurry, baby"? Jungkook asked u in a flirty way "I wanna spend time with you" he said.
" What rubbish are you speaking"? U replied "move from my way" u said and past him but he grabbed your hand tightly that you can't move...

This is my first publish of my life, I hope you like it.

I am really Sorry for my language and grammatical mistakes👉👈. I know it's bit like a trash but I am trying to improve it.🥰☺️🤗

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