chapter 5

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Jimin got shocked and smiled "hi, your introduction?" He replied  ," hi I'm jungkook."  "U should know what r u doing and with whom". He warned jimin in his ears while hugging him and went from there.

Everyone got shocked in class along with you and jimin. Lisa asked "what did that shit said to u?"
Jimin replied nervously "n-nothing, just gave his introduction."

Jimin became very close friend to u and Lisa, both. Lisa started having crush on him,
Jungkook was just following u and jimin.

During lunch break,
Lisa said,"it's the first day of your school and you became so close to us".   "Yeah" jimin replied. Taehyung, jimin, you and Lisa was having fun conversation and jungkook was watching u from behind.

Suddenly juice glass fell from your hand on jimin's pant. U stand-up  and panicked "sorry jiminie..." "It's okay", jimin replied. "No-no, I am sorry" u said and wiped the juice from your handkerchief. Jimin was just watching u and chuckled at ur cute nervousness.

Jungkook got jealous and became angry, he just came and hold your hand. "What do you need, jungkook?" U asked. He just said ,"come with me" and dragged you from there.
"Hey, where are you taking her"? Lisa asked but he didn't answer and went from there

Jimin was just watching him. He asked, "is he y/n's  boyfriend"?
"Noo, not at all" tae replied . "He bullies her" Lisa replied. "Bully"? jimin asked. "Yeah...." Lisa told him the whole story.  After listening to her, he replied, "achha, I got it..." Then he was thinking about something.

"Why did u again brought me in the library? Again u need a book?"
He replied "yeah, find a book for me".
U replied, "again u started bullying me, I thought you changed".
He replied back smirking "me and changed? Never, I  just got bored teasing u, so I just took a break, that's it and u are still same person for me".

U shouted on him angrily ,"I am not your servant....." he glared at u.
U immediately started smiling and asked "Accha which book u wanna read"? He answered, "good girl, search a teen-fiction for me". U urgh to yourself and started searching for it .

Jimin POV

y/n is such a cute and caring girl, but why does he bullies her. If he bullies her, why does he becomes angry and jealous whenever I come closer to her. I think it's another way for him to bully her.
But why I am thinking of her so much, she's so beautiful too, I think I started liking her. Yes, I will make her mine now, then nobody will bully her.

End of POV

U searched the book for him "I got the book" u gave it to him and started leaving from there. He said "tarry."
U turned back and asked, "now what"?

He said "stay away from jimin, don't be so close to him". u asked, "why, what's your problem"?

He came closer to you step by step, u r going backwards and stopped by the wall. He came more closer to you and untied ur hair, u felt nervous and closed ur eyes,  he was so close that u can feel his breath too.

U said in ur  breaking soft voice, "what r u doing jungkook, leave me"? He whispered "I won't" he removed ur hair from face towards back of your ear and started seducing your face. U pleaded again, "leave me, please jungkook".

He saw u nervous and just got back from you, he started coughing and went from there.

U slowly opened ur eyes, u saw he wasn't here. U took a deep sigh and said "thank god he's gone from here, I don't know what he is got to, for behaving like this, he's un believable", u scoffed and went from there.

Jungkook POV

I don't know know what happened to me. But whenever I see her with jimin , I feel too angry and frustrated.
That's why I took her to the library, but I don't know still why I tried to seduce her in the library, I couldn't control myself.
Why I am feeling like this? I don't know. What got into me.

End of POV

Next day in school,
U were walking towards the class, suddenly someone pushed u, u were about to fall but he hold ur bag.

U immediately turned back and saw it was not other than jungkook. U asked, "what do u want, now"? He threw his bag and gave it to u, "carry my bag to the classroom" u replied "I won't".
He stared at u and warned ,"don't u remember about yesterday in library, & now nobody is here also", u gulped and replied laughing "I was just kidding, i am bringing your bag, u move on"

he replied smirking,"that's like a good girl", he went from there. U took his bag and keep following him to the classroom.

U entered the class after him, everybody was staring at u. U kept his bag on his seat and took your seat. Lisa asked "he started again"?
U nodded ur head.

During lunch break,
Taehyung and Lisa was called for punishment for not doing homework.
So they can't have lunch with u.
Only u and jimin went together to the canteen. Jimin was really happy as he got chance to personally talk to you.

You both were having meal, suddenly he said ,"don't listen to jungkook, if he tells u to do his work"
U replied shockingly "what"?
"Yeh Lisa told me everything" he replied. "Oh she told you" u said in upset way.

He held his hand on yours and explained " Listen y/n, you are really adoring girl, u should not listen or afraid of guy like him. I am your friend, I will protect you, he can't even touch you or talk to you, ok"?
U were just staring at him, confused and replied "ok".

Jungkook saw u both alone, he came to u and commanded "hey y/n one banana milk"?
U said "okay" and got up to bring but jimin grabbed your wrist and nodded you no.
Jungkook glared at you and said "library". U just released ur wrist and went on running to bring banana milk.

Jimin and jungkook staring at eachother...

To be continued...

What will happen next?👀

I hope y'all are liking it🤞💜
Comment me any problem👍

Next part publishing ASAP🥰🥺
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