chapter 12

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"Jimin, you"? Jungkook asked.
"No, I can't go" he said and left from there.

He came to the school terrace and sat there lonely.
Tears started flowing down his eyes, he kept on crying.
Suddenly someone tap his shoulder from back.

He wiped his tears, and pretended as nothing happened.
He turned back and saw, it was you.
He asked smiling, "what brings you here, y/n"?
U saw his red puffy eyes and understood that he was crying.

U sat beside him, hold his hand
and said, "I am sorry, jimin".
He asked sarcastically, "why"?
U answered, "for not loving you back and breaking your heart".
He started seeing upwards to control his tears.

He replied to you, "it's okay, I'm not hurt rather I am happy to see both of you together".
"I am sorry", u said again and hugged him tightly.
He could not control his tears this time and let it go.

U broke the hug and wiped his tears.

He hold your hand with his cute mochi hands and said, "promise me, if jungkook ever made single drop of your tears fall, u will complain me, I will be right there for you to protect you".
U smiled and replied, "obviously I will, as u r my best caring friend".

He smiled and replied, "be happy with him".
U nodded, "yeah".

Someone was watching you both.

U asked him, "let's go to class"
He replied, "u go, I will come after sometime".

U don't want to left him alone but U thought, he's better to be left alone for sometime and went from there.

Time skips...

During lunch break,

U saw jungkook was standing alone in the corridor.

U got cheery and excited,
U went running and hugged him from back but he turned back and pushed you away.

Ur eyes got widened, and confused.
He shrugged, "stay away from me"!
U asked confusing,"wh-what"?
Jungkook answered, "yeah,stay away from me... I was just kidding you".
U asked nervously,"What are you saying jungkook, U said u love me na"?

Jungkook replied smirking, " love you? I was just playing with you babygirl, and now I am over with you".

He said and went from there.
U were just standing still for five minutes, then u ran towards the playground crying.

When you reach there, Suddenly some students threw a basket of rose petals on you.
You got confused and suprised first, until you saw jungkook was kneeling down infront of you holding rose bouquet.

He said to u sweetly, "y/n I was the one, who used to bully you in front of whole school. Now I am the only one, who is saying you this, "I like you, will u forgive me and be my one and only girlfriend"?

Tears rolled down your eyes, u shouted at him angrily, "no, I don't want to" and threw the bouquet.
Jungkook asked shocking, "why"? "you are really mean, u always make me cry" u replied crying and went running from there and stood at the corner, facing the wall.

Suddenly jungkook came from behind and snaked his hand around your waist and stomach, and grabbed u tightly.

He started giving soft kisses on your neck and whispered to u
"Baby, I am sorry for everything, and I will never prank you like this."

U didn't reply and just shrugged your shoulder to push him away.
"Baby, if u won't talk to me and forgive me, I will do something, which you didn't expect", Jungkook threatened you.
U replied with attitude," what will you do"?
He whispered in your ears, "I will bite your neck and kiss you, do you want me to do that"?
U blushed heavily, laughed at his statement and replied, "no-no, I forgive you... Please don't do".

"If u would be more late, I probably would have more fun" he said urging.
"Aishhh... Stop it" u said blushing.

U both were walking together.

"Baby, we didn't have proper date, till now, so let's go to watch romantic movie today evening" he asked.
"No I need to go to cafeteria today" u replied.

"I won't talk to you" he said angrily and became upset.
"I'mma sorry, kookie" u said by back hugging him.
"Don't talk to me", he shrugged.
"Okay baby, I promise I'll talk to Mia and go with you after doing half-day cafeteria" u said smiling.

"Promise"? He asked
"Yeah,babe", u promised him.

Time skips...

Jimin was sitting alone in the class,
Suddenly Lisa came and sat beside him.
"Hi jimin" Lisa called.
"Hi" jimin replied.
"Why are you sitting here, alone"? She asked.
"Nothing, I just want to be lonely", he replied.
"Ohh", she said.
"What brings you here"?, he asked.
"I am also feeling lonely", she replied.

They both sat quietly for sometime.

Suddenly Lisa interrupt, "u like y/n, very much".
Jimin replied, "yeah, I used to but I'm over with her now".
Lisa asked, "u must be broken, seeing them together".

Jimin replied, "no, I am rather happy, seeing them both together, and person I like doesn't means that person will like me back".

Lisa eyes got widened.

She asked, "do u trust jungkook? I am worried about y/n for trusting him".

Jimin replied to her, "yes, I trust him and i'mma sure he will love and care her forever, No matter what".

Lisa asked, "how can u say, so obviously"?

Jimin replied, "bcoz I saw love in his eyes for her, I know he is used to bully her but still he loves her very much".
Lisa said, "if you are saying then I should also trust".

Lisa asked, "Accha, will you not love any other girl now, if that girl likes you very much"?
Jimin replied laughing, "I don't think, I will get anyone like her".
"But why r u asking me, these awkward questions" , he asked.

"No- nothing" Lisa replied hesitatingly.
"Ok then", jimin said.

he got up and about to go, but suddenly Lisa grabbed his hand.
He got shocked.

"Can I say you smthng," Lisa asked.
"Yes sure", jimin replied.
She closed her eyes and said," I- I like you".
Jimin eyes widened, "what"?

Lisa got up and said again, "yeah, I like you very much from the beginning"
Jimin replied, " oh, I am so sorry ...".
"U don't need to be sorry" Lisa said and pushed him against the wall.

Moisture covered her eyes,

she smashed her lips on his.....

To be continued ...

Next will be the last chapter.ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
With much secret revealing 😉

Last part publishing ASAP.(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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