chapter 10

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Ur eyes got widened, u asked,"what? Are you kidding with me, right"?
"No, I really like you very much"  he said and hugged u tightly.

U were trying to push him and escape but he hugged u more tighter so  that you can't move...
U said, "I can't breathe, leave me".
He loosen u and broke the hug slowly.

U didn't say anything and about to leave from there, but jungkook hold your wrist.

He asked, "do u like me"?
U turned back and saw in his eyes. U pushed him hardly against the wall and grabbed his collar ,"do u think, it's easy"? First u said u hate me and bullied me, now u r saying u like me. I am not a  story book , that first u will hate me than love me. U wanna know the answer, I like you or not?
No,I don't like u". U said and went from there with tears forming in your eyes.

U went to home, rushing after giving sick leave letter to the school office.

At home,

U hugged your mom tightly while crying.
Ur mom asked, "what happened, sweetie? Why are you crying"?

U asked her, " omma, can I transfer this school or can I just drop out of the school"?
Ur mom said, "what happened to u sweetie? Why are you talking like this?
U cried, "omma, I don't wanna go to school".
Ur mom replied,"it's okay sweetie,Take rest for some days, u must be pressurized because of studies and part-time job, both".

Next few days, U didn't show up neither in school nor in cafeteria.

In school,

"What happened to y/n, she's too sick or what"? Taehyung asked
Lisa said,"I don't know, I called her many times, but she didn't pick up the call. so I went to her house, but her mom said to me she's not in mood of talking to anyone".

"I hope she's fine", taehyung replied.
"Yeah, but jimin, what happened to him? He looks so upset and lonely nowadays", Lisa asked.
"I don't know, maybe he misses y/n, that's y", tae said
"Hey, he is the only one, who was with y/n last time. Should we ask him"? Lisa asked.
"He is not in mood but... let's try", tae replied and went to jimin.

In canteen,

"Hey jimin, how r u" taehyung asked smiling.
He didn't reply and continued having his lunch.
"Why r u upset"? Tae asked patting his back with fun.
"Leave me alone" ,jimin said frustratingly and got up from there.

Lisa hold his hand and said.
"I know you are angry and it's bcoz of y/n, right"?
Jimin nodded his head.
"We are y/n's and your friend, we are curious to know what happened that day that she's not showing up to us and u r behaving awkward" Lisa asked exhausted.

Jimin looked around and  his glance fell towards jungkook. He was just sitting alone in the corner wearing his headphone, listening to music.

Lisa got the glimpse of jimin towards jungkook.

She asked," did jungkook is a convict? Did he again do something to y/n, Jimin?"
Jimin replied, "yes, he is the convict."
Lisa widened her eyes in anger, and said," I will kill this jerk today".
She got up and about to go,
but jimin exclaimed, "halt"!

"U should not fight with him",Jimin said.
"But y/n..." Lisa didn't complete.
Jimin uttered ,"I will go, talk to him personally... U both should not follow us".

"Jungkook I wanna talk to you", jimin asked.
"I don't wanna", he replied.
"I cannot let y/n in this state", jimin shouted.
He dragged his hand and took him to the library.

At library,

"What u need to say, tell me quickly" jungkook said.
" U like y/n truly right "?
Jungkook didn't give reply and just rolled his eyes.
"Are you just playing with her, huh? Is she a toy ?" Jimin questioned anxiously.
"Shut up! I really do like her and Don't u dare call her a toy being her boyfriend and u should take care of her." he said and going from there.

"Then make her yours", jimin said.

Jungkook  stopped, he widened his eyes and turned back "what"!

"Yeah she likes u very much ", jimin exclaimed.He continued saying, "what you did is very awful to her, but i'mma sure she will forgive you for what you did".
"Now, it's depends on you, I won't force you to make her yours".

He said and left from there.

Time skips...

Now you were feeling much better. u came to cafeteria after three days absent, so u need to do overwork alone till late night. U completed your work and going to home, after changing your uniform.

U were walking in the street, near the cafe all alone. U were bit scared as u felt like someone is following u. Suddenly two random people, came from the back and hold ur mouth from the back, do that you cannot scream.

"Where are you going, baby girl all alone at night"?
"Yeah, you are such a beautiful girl" another said
"Let's make her our meal, today"
They said and took you in the room.

"Leave me" u shouted.
" we won't, u r such an interesting and  impressive girl" they said.
"Help help"! U shouted at ur most loudly audible sound.
"Do u think anyone will come and help", they said and laughed loudly.

U slapped both of them. They hold ur hand and covered ur mouth.

"Let's rip her clothes" they exclaimed and about to just touch you.

You closed ur eyes nervously,
U heard something. U slowly opened your eyes and saw one  man is fallen on the ground injured and other is fighting with someone  standing backward.
The other one also fell down after getting beaten up.

Before they both could get up and fight back with that guy, the corps came and arrested both of them for trying to attempting section 375.

The man who beaten both of them, came in front of u and u recognised. Ur eyes got widen as if it's going to pop-out right now.

It was no other than jungkook.

U called his name with husky voice.

U hugged him tightly as if he would just fell on ground with you.
U started crying loudly. "if u would have not come... what might have happened to me, I was so-
so scared",u said and hugged him more tighter.

"Don't worry...I am here now," jungkook said with calming voice. He smiled and hugged u back tightly.....

To be continued... :-|^_^

Sorry for late publish.

Next part publishing ASAP(◠‿◕)

Butter on billboard n.o1 again on 4th week ✌️

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