chapter 7

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"I am so sorry again for u, whoever that girl will be, she couldn't be better than u I bet" u said.
"No she's better than me, and u should not judge her not knowing her and I already moved from jimin" she told and went off passing you.

U didn't try to pause her as she was already broken and sad, u thought it would be better to leave her alone.

U were going through the corridor towards the class, suddenly someone called u "baby" from the back. U already recognised his voice, u rolled ur eyes and continued walking in the corridor.

He suddenly dragged ur hand, and leaned u against the wall.
You requested "yah jungkook please not today, I am begging u".
"But baby, when I don't disturb you, my day doesn't go well, what can I do". He threw his bag on you and told u to bring in class. U got scratch on ur hand by his bag zip.

Tears rolled down ur eyes,
He saw u crying and asked you nervously, "hey, why r u crying? I just told u to bring the bag, that's it, it's nothing to cry".
u asked him " why- why do you bully me 'ONLY ME' in this whole school"?
Jungkook rolled his eyes and took a deep sigh and replied to you
"Because I hate you",

Tears flowing through your eyes continuously, u asked "let me know why"?
"I don't know" he replied, closing his eyes and went from there.
But u stopped him by holding his wrist "u can't just hate me just like that, I wanna know the reason, why u hate me"?

He immediately turned back and grabbed ur shoulders tightly "so listen, why I hate you so much, I hate you because whenever I see you, it's reminds me of my dead girlfriend, tayeon whom I tried to forget so much, and because of her, my parents transferred me here, so that I can forget her, but you always reminds me of her that's y I hate you", he said and went off from there".

U were just standing there, like a statue for 10 minutes. His words were resonating on your mind. U took his bag from floor and went to class.
U gave his bag to him and said " I'm sorry, I will transfer from this school as soon as possible". He didn't utter a word and continued listening to his music.

U took ur seat, jimin asked, "how r u, y/n"? But u didn't reply.
He asked u, "are you ok ? Did that jungkook again disturbed you?"
U lied, "no he didn't, i'mma just not feeling well".

"U should take care of yourself ,Accha I have surprise for you, during lunch break" he said
U replied "what suprise"?
"Something special" he said with mochi smile
Tae said "yeah don't be sad, smile"
U replied "I don't wanna"
Jimin replied "if you won't smile, I will tickle you"
U laughed after u heard the word 'tickle'.

Lisa just turned her head, after seeing you both.

Jimin asked, "what happened to Lisa".
U lied to him, "nothing she's just not feeling well".

"U both not feeling well together,  that's awkward" tae said.
"Let me just make her laugh too", taehyung said
They went there and started making her laugh, as they did to u, atlast she laughed, u also smiled seeing her.

teacher entered the class, y'all took ur seat, but u were just admiring of jungkook during whole class and jungkook was just staring at u.

During lunch break,
U went to canteen alone.

Your POV
How everybody need to do some task now only. Nobody came with me. I was just sitting there and scrolling my mobile phone. Jungkook came to me and sat infront of me. I just ignored him, he said to me "grab some banana milk for me".
I just went and bought it for him. He asked me, "will u really transfer this school"?
I replied, "yeah"
"But u have money crisis at home, na, that's y u r doing part-time job na
I  asked "how do u know, I have money crisis"?
He started coughing and replied "It's very obvious, that y u r doing part-time job"
I  replied "it's none of your issue, how will I manage, I have many different ways" I said and went from there rolling my eyes.
End of pov

U went to class directly, but no one was there, u were admiring where was everyone.

Jungkook also came to class, he asked,"where is everyone"?
U replied, "I don't know".

Suddenly rose petals fell on you, u were surprised, u can't understand anything.
Same with jungkook too.

Suddenly jimin came infront of u.
He knelt to the ground and said "I like you y/n, will u be my girlfriend"?
U were very confused, then suddenly u heard ur classmates shouting at back, popped out of no where "say YES y/n", they shouted.

U saw Lisa too, there. She was just staring and watching u.

U questioned Jimin, "so the girl u wanted to propose and asked Lisa about her was me"?
He replied, " yes y/n".
U were shocked, it felt like someone pulled the ground under your legs.

He asked "y/n ur reply?"
U came into your consequence, u stared at Lisa, she nodded at u, u said
"Actually this all things was really quick, so I need time"
Jimin urgh and said "ok, take your time". He was bit sad .
"By the way, this rose is pretty, can I take it" u asked.
He replied "obviously it's for u"

U took the rose, but jungkook pushed u and it fell from your hand. He stabbed on it and went from there.
U were just staring at him.

Jimin glared at him and said to u "it's ok y/n, I will give you  whole rose garden as a gift. U don't  deserve one rose".
U  nodded him and smiled.

Jungkook and jimin staring at each other as if they will start a fight...

What will happen next?ᕙ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)ᕗ

To be continued...

I hope y'all are liking it 😉

Next part will be interesting.(´⊙ω⊙')!


Happy 8th anniversary with BTS 💜 (✯ᴗ✯)

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