chapter 6

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Jungkook saw u both alone, he came to u and commanded "hey y/n one banana milk"?
U said "okay" and got up to bring but jimin grabbed your wrist and nodded you no.
Jungkook glared at you and said "library ". U just released ur wrist and went on running to bring banana milk.

Jimin and jungkook staring at eachother.

Jimin got up and stood in front of jungkook. Jimin warned "stop bullying her or else u need to suffer for this".
"What's your problem? If she doesn't have any problem". Jungkook asked.
"Who told u she don't have problem, I have seen scared in her eyes, so stop bullying her"
"Who are you? Why do u so much care for her?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin replied "I am her future boyfriend,... yes I like her".
Jungkook eyes was burning like fire, he grabbed his shirt collar "she will never be yours, stop imagining that".
Jimin started laughing, "are you feeling jealous"?
"Just shut up" jungkook saw u coming from far. He released his collar.
Jimin challenged "I will propose her tomorrow in front of everyone, u will just watch" he smirked.

Before he could reply u got there, u were breathing hard ," here-here's your banana milk" u said in breaking voice. He snatched it from u and went from there passing you.

U urged "incredible! He didn't say me thankyou also". "Did something happened between u and jungkook" u asked. "No no" he replied.

He grabbed your shoulder from his arms and u both went from there. U were feeling bit confused but let it gone.

U came back to class. Lisa and taehyung both looking tired sitting there. U both asked "How was the punishment"?
They replied "Very tiring, teacher told us to write 500 times 'i will do my homework' standing in front of staff room.
"Oh so sorry for you" u said and giggled. Jimin started laughing hardly on them.
"Shut-up jimin-shii" taehyung shouted.
Lisa was just smiling and watching him laughing. U caught her glance on him.

Teacher came to class, u all sat quietly. It was physics class, most of the students were just sleeping or daydreaming. Jimin thought it's a right moment. He suddenly threw a rolled paper on Lisa. Lisa picked it up. something was written there.

She read,
Lisa, meet me on the school playground after classes are over, it's urgent... Actually it's the matter of heart👉👈 , come alone, ok?"

She immediately turned towards jimin, he was already staring her. She shown her thumbs up and smiled at him. He also smiled back at her.

U caught her blushing hardly and asked "what happened"? She lied to you, "nothing". You saw paper in her hand, u snatched it and started reading it. U asked "jimin gave it to you"? She replied nervously "noo ..."
U said "don't lie with me, I know you like him". Her cheeks became red like a tomato "yessss" she said in exciting way.

"Really, congrats, I am very happy for you" u congratulated her. U were really happy seeing her happy as she's your bestfriend.

After classes were over, u wished all the best to Lisa and went from there.

Jimin was already waiting for Lisa in the playground. Lisa got there and saw him. "Hey jimin", Lisa shouted,
"I was admiring of u only, I am glad u came", Jimin exclaimed.

"Obviously I would come, now say, what important u wanna talk to me" Lisa asked
Jimin blushed while saying "I am feeling bit shy, but I- I am in love"

Lisa started blushing "really"! She asked sarcastically "who's this girl"?
Jimin started blushing again and said
"I'm in love with y/n"

Lisa got shocked, her pink face turned blue, her blush faded away and tears rolled down her eyes but she controlled it by looking up.

Lisa said in soft voice "what"?

"Yeh I like y/n from the very beginning, now I wanted to make her mine", jimin said.
Lisa said in breaking voice "so why are u telling this to me, u should have called y/n here instead of me".

"Yeah, actually I called u as u r her best friend, u must know what she likes and what she doesn't. So i want you to help me to propose her".
Lisa was just standing there, like a statue.
Jimin called "Lisa, Lisa are you listening?
Lisa came to her consequence "yes"! she exclaimed
"So, will u help me?" Jimin asked hopefully.
She smiled and replied "yes, I will help you. Ask me what you wanna ask about her"
"Thank you so much, Lisa" he said and hugged her lightly.

Lisa POV

He's so kind and good hearted, I started liking him so much.
When he threw that scroll on me, I thought he also likes me. But he likes y/n and I thought It would be me. What a dumb I am? A person I like that doesn't means he will like me back. Y/n is my bestfriend, she's a very good girl for him and he is also best guy for y/n. Instead of being sad and broken, I should be happy for my bestfriend. She deserves him.

End of POV

Next day in school,
U were going to the school, u caught Lisa on the front of school entrance, u called her and waved her "hi", but she didn't reply u back and got from there. U went on running to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Why are you preventing me, huh"? U asked
"No- nothing" she replied
"Accha what happened yesterday, tell me, did he propose you"? U asked excitingly.
Tears rolled down her eyes.
"What happened"? U asked.
" He loves another girl, not me"  she said in crying- breaking voice.
"So why did he call you yesterday"? U questioned.
"He just want suggestions to propose her", that's it.
"So sorry for u", u hugged her tightly. She also hugged u back.
"So why didn't you say him, that u like him?" U questioned.
She broke the hug and said "I can't, it will hurt him".

"I am so sorry again for u, whoever that girl will be, she couldn't be better than u I bet" u said.
"No she's better than me, and u should not judge her not knowing her and I already moved from jimin" she told and went off passing you...

To be continued...
Next part publishing ASAP.

I love you 😘(◠‿・)—☆

Not shipping anyone

This part was bit boring. I guess...
I will try to make next part more interesting.

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