chapter 2

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but u got stopped by jungkook. U asked "what happened now? I need to go to the canteen quickly". "What so hurry, baby"? Jungkook asked u in a flirty way "I wanna spend time with you" he said.
" What rubbish are you speaking"? U replied "move from my way" u said and past him but he grabbed your wrist tightly that you can't move...

U tried to release ur wrist, but he grabbed too tightly, u urged "leave ny hand"!  He replied "I won't, just shut up and come with me". He took you to the library and closed the door. U asked  "why did you bring me here, huh"? What's here?".  He replied, "nothing, I just bring here u to fetch a book for me". U shouted angrily, "just for a small thing, u dragged me here". Jungkook replied scrolling his phone
"Whatever, just search for me a horror fiction book, quickly".
" I'm not ur servant". U replied back angrily. "Do as I said, if u want to be out from here", he shouted back at you.

U took a sigh and started searching for the book.

Jungkook POV

I was taking a nap during class...
In his dreams,
"I love you, tayeon" I proposed, in front of class. "I love you too, jungkook". Tayeon replied.
After one week,I got a message from her. I read that message, tears started rolling down my eyes... I immediately called her
"bye jungkook, I don't deserve to date a guy like you" tayeon said standing at the edge of the terrace. "No, please don't jump" I said. "I am sorry, I heard ur voice, that's it... good bye".

The message ...
I am sorry, jungkook but the day u proposed me...after that everyone bullies me in the school, they told me I don't deserve a boyfriend like you...I  should just break-up with you , they took wrong photos of me.... I just can't live this life, I am on the terrace edge rn. I just want to hear ur  voice once just before dying...
Good bye forever.

I woke up with again same nightmare during the lunch break and I saw y/ n doing some task... Idk y whenever I see her, it reminds me of tayeon. The same behaviour, same beauty, same attitude... It's really frustrating to see her

You were searching book for him but it was at the top, so you took a tool and continued searching for it. Suddenly u got the book but u lose ur balance and fell from there. U  Closed ur eyes and shouted " omaaaaa!" but someone grabbed your waist before u touch the ground

U opened your eyes slowly, it was jungkook. Jungkook was also staring at You, both lost at each other's eyes for few seconds. Then he came back to his consequence, he removed his hands and you fell down on the ground. You urgh, "ouchhh, why did you just leave me"? He replied, "oh just shut up! U just can't do one work properly". He just took the book from your hand, sat on the bench and start reading it.

U got up from there and asked "can I go now? I got u the book". He replied without moving his eyes from the book "hmmm, open the door lock and get lost". U sighed and mumbled " aishh, what's on earth! He didn't say me thankyou too and telling me to get lost". He asked  sarcastically "did u say something"? U said with  grin "me? No, nothing, u enjoy your book".
U hurrying went from there.

Meanwhile in the canteen:

Lisa and tae was having hamburger and waiting for you. Tae asked
"where is y/n? She told us that she wants to talk something important with us"? Lisa "yeah, she was doing some task, but she should have come till now". Maybe teacher called her for some other task". "Hmmm, maybe" tae replied.

"Accha I wanna say something to you" tae told her in exciting way. Lisa asked "what?" . "Actually my childhood friend jimin is transferring to this school next week"
"Oh really" Lisa replied to him.  "Yeah, let me show you the pic" Tae showed Lisa his pic. "Wow, he's really adorable" Lisa commented. "Yeah, u know he is famous in his school, every girl fall for him, just like jungkook in our school" tae replied.
Then they were having conversation about other topics.

U reach the canteen, u saw Lisa and Taehyung grabbing hamburgers, u went there. "Hi guys" u said. " Hey, what took u so long"? They asked. "hmmm.... actually I was doing some teacher's task" u lied to them. "Oh ok sit here,let me fetch hamburger for you" Taehyung said to u. "No actually, I don't have appetite" u told him.

  "Accha, what u wanna say to us?" Lisa questioned . you told them about ur financial problem at home and asked them about any part- Time job available as soon as possible. They said "no we don't know about any part-time job available right now, but we will found out  for you any soon."  u replied "thank you so much but please let me know ASAP if u found any...".

Suddenly Lisa questioned "that's y u r not having lunch with us,hmmm"?
U got embarrassed "no actually...".
Tae interrupted "nothing no... We will pay for your lunch, till your financial matter be solved." Lisa continued "yeah, we are friends, we should help you when you are in trouble." Your eyes became watery after seeing their love and kindness "thank you so much guys, I love you.." u hugged them tightly.

Now, the class was over. U packed ur bag and got ready to go to Home. U were walking with Lisa and giggling about something, suddenly jungkook pushed u both and past. U both about to fall, but u both  balanced each other.

Lisa yelled at him, " you don't have eyes or what"?
He stopped, turned back and replied  "yeah, I have big two eyes and it was your fault, u both came to my route". Lisa got angry, she went to him and yelled " what do you think about yourself, huh,? Are u the king?"

The whole school gathered around y'all, u felt awkward  so u went to stop her "it's ok just leave him".
Jungkook smirked at you and came closer to you....

To be continued...
Next part posting ASAP
And Sorry for my grammatical mistakes

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