chapter 8

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Jungkook and jimin staring at each other as if they will start a fight...
But teacher came at the moment. Everyone sat in the class quietly,
U also took ur seat.

U were feeling guilty all through the class.U couldn't just look at Lisa at all.
After the classes were over, u just took ur bag and went from there.

But Lisa stopped u, and took u to the corner. She asked there "why r u acting wierd infront of me"?
U cried "I'm sorry Lisa, I didn't knew that girl was me"
Lisa replied, "it's okay, don't cry, it's neither your fault nor jimin, u know this happens in school love".
Lisa continued, "and he is a very good boy, he deserves u, u should say yes to him".
U replied to her in  breaking voice
"But -but I don't have any feelings for him".

Lisa widened her eyes,"are you sure? Or u just telling me, because I have feelings for him"?
U replied "yes, I am sure, I really don't have feelings for him".
Lisa wiped ur tears and said to u, "it's okay, don't feel guilty".
U hugged her tightly, she also hugged u back and smiled.

Meanwhile in the class:

"What do you think, y/n will say me yes, tae?" Jimin asked.
"Yes, she will" tae answered.
"No, she won't" a voice came from back. Jimin turned back and saw it was jungkook.
Jimin went closer to him and said,"Who r u to say, she won't say yes, huh. She have no reasons to say me no, I am perfect for him"?
Jungkook smirked, "u r perfect! Are you kidding me"?
Jimin replied smirking "no, I am not.
And I proposed her today, I will make her say yes tomorrow and u will just watch and keep watching".

Jungkook  became angry, he grabbed his shirt collar and about to hit but Taehyung came in between and said, "yeah, don't fight. It is y/n's decision, she will decide".
Jungkook released his collar and replied ,"yeah the time will say, she will say yes or no".

He took his bag and about to go, but jimin questioned,
"Do u like y/n"? His step stopped at this question.

He turned back and answered, "no, I don't like her".
"Then why r u feeling jealous, about me and y/n"?, jimin asked
He didn't reply and went from there.

Time skips...

At night,
U can't sleep whole night at all again because of jungkook and jimin. U were just thinking about all that stuffs.

Time skips...

At morning,
U went to school, but everything was little weird. Everyone one was whispering about u only.

"U know jimin proposed her".
"Oh that's new guy na, who's transferred here".
"Yeah he's handsome as hell"
"She's really lucky".

Your face became red  like Tomato, Suddenly jimin came infront of u.

"Hi y/n baby, good morning", he said by hugging u side. U replied nervously, "good morning, jimin".
He suddenly saw jungkook coming from front. He side hugged u more tightly, u felt bit uncomfortable.
He asked sarcastically, "hey baby, would you like to watch a movie, if u r free today evening"?
Everyone one shouted "oohhh" at his question.
U felt very shy, u replied, "no, I am busy today. I need to complete my homework". and went from there.

U didn't saw and collided with jungkook in front.
"Aishhh", u said.
He was staring at u only, "sorry jungkook, I can't complete ur homework, actually I was having headache yesternight. But don't worry, I will complete it now and give it to you" u said and went running from there towards the classroom.

Jungkook and jimin staring at eachother, but suddenly Lisa came,
"hi jimin"
Jimin replied, " hi"
Lisa questioned ,"why r u standing here like this"?
" No nothing, let's go to class" jimin said and went from there passing jungkook.

At the class,
during lunch break,
U  didn't went to canteen, as u Were completing yours and jungkook's homework.
U finally completed the homework. u urgh, "finally, I completed the homework but I am too tired to go to canteen" u said and about to sleep, but u saw someone's hand holding hamburger.

u got up and saw it was jimin.

U questioned "you"?
He answered, "yes I...any problem".
U replied, "No no I mean,u r here with burger"?
He replied back,"yes, for u. I know u r hungry and tired".
U asked,"how did u know I am hungry and too tired to go to canteen"?
U asked
He replied, "because I like you".

Your eyes got widened.
He sat beside u and continued,"and I thought obviously, u would be tired as u r hungry and u did so much homework".
U smiled and replied, "u r very caring".
He chuckled and replied back, "I would be more, if you will say me YES".
U suddenly changed the topic, "yaa let me eat now, I am very hungry".
Then U were having fun conversation of other topics and giggling.

Jungkook was passing by and saw u both through the glass window.

U finished the burger. Jimin asked you, "do you need anything else"?
U  smiled and answered, "let me think, bring one apple juice for me".
Jimin replied, "that's it, if you want, I can bring whole canteen for u here".
U replied cutely,"I don't need whole canteen, thank you".

He replied caressing ur hair ,"ok wait for me, let me just bring juice for u", he went from there.

U were alone in the whole floor as everyone went to playground after canteen. Suddenly jungkook came in front of you.

U got shocked ,"oh I got afraid, seeing you, why r u here?"
"Oh yeah I did ur homework", u  said and gave his notebook to him. But he just threw the notebook, grabbed your hand and took u to the library.
He pinned u against the wall and warned u again, "stay away from jimin, I already told you".

U pushed him back and shouted angrily, "why? What's up to u? U hate me, bully me that doesn't mean u can control me. I have my own life, I can decide  who should be my friend and boyfriend".
Jungkook questioned, "boyfriend"?
U replied him sarcastically, "yes, jimin is my boyfriend, I will say 'yes' to his proposal.

He again pinned u against the wall and trying to smash his lips on yours but...

To be continued...
Next part will be more interesting and revealing 😉
(。•̀ᴗ-)✧(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
Next part publishing ASAP ARMYs

& Keep streaming 'BUTTER' 💛💜

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