chapter 3

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The whole school gathered around y'all, u felt awkward so u went to stop her " it's ok just leave him".
Jungkook smirked at you and came closer to you....
He leaned and whispered in your ears
"that's like my baby, and now don't forget to do my today's homework"
and went from there.

Everyone in school was staring u and whispering something... u felt embarrassed and went running from there and reached home.

At night, u did both yours and jungkook's homework.Then you went to sleep, but u can't...u were thinking about your job and other life problems and felt exhausted. Whole night went like this

U got ready very early in the morning and went to school, there were not many student till now, but jungkook usually comes early to school. He saw u, u were standing near your bench and scrolling ur mobile. He came to u and asked "did u completed my homework?" U replied "I did, but I won't from tomorrow, u should do your own homework". U said and about to sit, but he dragged your chair and u fell down.

Students who came saw you and started laughing at you.
"My homework is your daily routine, don't forget that, u r built for this" he told you and sat on his bench. U got up with desk support and went to the washroom running from there.
You came to washroom, locked the door.
Tears rolled down your eyes, u started mumbling to yourself "why jungkook bullies me everyday, what did I do to him? Why does he hates me so much? I just have a crush on him, When I saw him first time.. but y does he hate me?..." U said and cried.

Time skips...
It was lunch break, u were very down all day, Lisa asked u "what happened, why's your mood is off"?
U replied"I don't know". Taehyung came with a happy mood and sat near you. "I got a good news, ur mood will light up after hearing that"
U replied "what"?
"I found a part- time job for you" tae said. You became merry and jumped with excitement. "aren't you kidding me"?. "No, really I got a job for you, it's a waiter job in cafeteria near my house,"

U hugged Taehyung with excitement "thank you tae, u r Really my friend".
Jungkook saw you hugging Taehyung with excitement, he probably got jealous. He said in his mind "why this shit is so happy? let me just ruin this..."

He went closer to you and split a bottle of water on you. You stand up with hurry and said "what the fuck?"
Jungkook said with acting "oh sorry baby, I didn't saw you actually" and went from there but Lisa blocked his route. "I know you did it intentionally, say sorry to her now." Jungkook replied "but I did say."

"No u didn't say her properly" Lisa shouted. U said "it's okay Lisa, don't need to shout, it's just water" jungkook replied to her "yeah it's just water, and y do u have problem, if y/n doesn't have problem and she should be lucky, that it was water not juice."
He past lisa and went from there, waving his hair. Whole school started screaming after seeing his attitude and boldness. Lisa glared at u angrily and went from there.

Now the classes were over, Lisa didn't talk to you after the lunch break at all . U were about to talk but she went early.

U also packed ur bag and going to home , then u remember that u need to go with Taehyung to cafeteria for the job.

U went to cafeteria with Taehyung, he told the cafeteria owner about you. The owner gave you the form to fill and told you the instructions for work and salary. They told you congratulations for the job, u can work from tomorrow after school.

U went happily outside, Taehyung was waiting for you outside. He asked u worriedly " what happened?"
U replied him happily "I got the job."
" Wow congratulations." He congratulated u. U said ,"thank you so much,tae because of you I got the job." He hugged u and replied sweetly "anything for my y/n."

U went home cheerfully and hugged ur mom "mom I have a good news, I got a part-time job". Ur mom replied "that really a good news sweetie, but it should not affect ur studies at all"
" It won't omaa, u don't need to worry" u sighed. "Accha ok, sweetie go and change your dress, I have made Lunch for you."

Time skips...

U were very excited for your job, so u slept early.

Next day at school, u were walking through the corridor, suddenly jungkook pushed u and u fell down.
Everyone started laughing at you,
Lisa also saw u, but she didn't utter a word and past you. U got up and said " yaa please not today, jungkook, I'm not in mood." "Lol, do I need to ask ur permission to disturb you" he bursted into laughter. "Aishhhhhhh" you rolled ur eyes and went from there.

U entered the class and took your seat.  Tae said hi to you, u waved at him and smiled. Lisa didn't talk to you. U went and started talking to her
"Hey, Lisa wassup." She didn't reply at all. Then you told her "hey I got the job" with excitement. She replied " congrats" but with no smile and continued doing her work. U were sad and lonely all day

Now the Classes were over. Tae wished "all the best for ur first day"
U replied "thank you so much, tae."
But Lisa went already. U started running and went to find her. U saw her near the school gate. U grabbed her hands quickly and took her to the playground at the back. Jungkook also saw you both, followed you and hide near the wall

Lisa asked "what's wrong with you? Why did you bring me here,huh?"
U replied "may I ask you the same question, what's wrong with you? Why u keep ignoring me, huh?"
Lisa replied back "so u wanna know, why I keep ignoring you huh! So listen... I hate jungkook, hate him more when he bullies you, insults you, make you do his work, and u don't say anything at all and don't let me too. But u were not like this before,I know you since childhood.
U r really changed after jungkook came" she said and went from there. Tears rolled down your eyes...U cried for atleast five minutes standing there.
Jungkook was just watching you from behind.......

To be continued...
do comment me for any mistake or about something.

Posting next part ASAP

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