chapter 11

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U hugged him tightly as if he would just fell on ground with you.
U started crying loudly. "if u would have not come... what might have happened to me, I was so-
so scared",u said and hugged him more tighter.

"Don't worry...I am here now," jungkook said with calming voice. He smiled and hugged u back tightly.....

Jungkook POV

I was thinking about y/n only, when jimin said to me those words. His each words were resonating inside my head. I  couldn't wait to meet y/n. So I called up taehyung to know her address.

"Taehyung can you give me, y/n's address", I asked.
"Why she's not coming to school, so u wanna disturb her in her home". Taehyung replied.
"Please give me her address..." I requested
"I won't... and don't call me again", taehyung said and about to hang up the call.
"Please give me...I really want to apologise to her, for what I did.."
"Are u joking"?, taehyung asked.
"No, I'm not" , I replied.

"Accha okay, I'll give you tomorrow" taehyung said
"No give me right now.....I can't wait". I said.
"Okay, I am sending now", taehyung said and hung up.

After getting address, I went to her house to find her, but her mom said she didn't return home till now. She's doing extra time in cafeteria.

I went to cafe, running from there.

But the cafeteria was closed. I was getting worried for her. Then I found a mobile on the street, I picked up and recognised, that was y/n's phone. I got scared about y/n and started searching for her. I called the corps too.

Then I heard someone screaming for help from one house, I recognised that was her voice. I went inside with iron rod and saw two men  are trying to do wrong with y/n.

My eyes were filled with anger.

I hit on of the men with iron rod and he fell on the ground. The other man started fighting with me. I beat him till he got blooded and fell on the ground.

End of POV

U were still in the hug with jungkook. It was not your fault,His arms were so comfortable that you were feeling sleepy slowly in his arms.

Jungkook whispered caressing your hair, "now it's completely safe...they are gone".
U came to your consequence and broke the hug slowly.

U were blushing a bit.

Jungkook take off his jacket and wrap around u and said, "let me drop you home".
U replied, "hmmm".

U were walking and put your head on his shoulder, U were fully supported by him.
He carried ur bag with his one hand.

U both reached home.

"We reach the home", jungkook said.
"So quickly"!, you exclaimed.
"Quickly! Really we are walking from 10 minutes", jungkook replied.
"Ohh", u said.

"By the way, Thank u so much, jungkook for helping me" u  smiled and going inside.

"Y/n..." He called.
U turned back and replied,"yeah".
"Goodnight and take care",  jungkook said
"Hmmm, good night", u replied.

"Y/n", he called u again.
U again turned back, "yeah".
"Will u come to school, tomorrow"? He asked.
U smiled and replied after sometime, "yeah, I will".

"That's great". He smiled back at u and about to go from there.

He clenched his fist and turned back.
He again called you, "y/n".
U replied again, "yeah".
"N-No-nothing..." He replied hesitatingly.
He turned back and going from there.

This time, u hold his wrist.
He turned back and asked "yeah?".
U said, "you asked me na, I like you or not?"
His eyes got widened.

U continued saying,"Actually... from the first day I saw you, I have crush on you, but I thought u hate me that's why I never confess...
But today I am, I really like you..."
u didn't finish,
suddenly he grabbed ur waist and pulled you closer.

He smashed his lips on yours and kissed u, at first u tried to prevent him, but his warm breath was touching your face, u melted on his butter kiss and kissed him back.

It was a long and soothing kiss.

U both broke the kiss when it was harder to breath.

U were blushing hardly, ur face turned red like Tomato.
He smirked at ur blushing and said, "goodnight, baby".

U replied, "hmmm... goodnight" and went running inside.
He chuckled at ur shyness and went from there.

U were blushing whole night.
U hugged ur pillow tightly and slept happily.

At morning,

U got ready, straighten ur hair, did make-up and had your breakfast.
U went to school excitedly and happily.

At school,

U were at the school entrance, someone hold ur wrist from back.
U turned back and saw, it was jungkook.
"Hi jungkook", u said.
"Hi baby", he replied.
"Let me carry your bag", he said and took your bag.
"It's okay, u don't need to", u said.

"No, it's not okay, I made u do my work. Now it's my time" he said.
He took ur bag, hold ur hand and started walking with you.

Everyone was seeing y'all shockingly.
All started whispering,
"What happened to them"?
"How it's opposite"?
" It seems like, they started dating"
"He stopped bullying her".
"She's so lucky, he's holding her hand".

U both entered the class.
Everyone eyes stuck at u both along with lisa and Taehyung.
He pulled out chair for you and kept ur bag.
U took ur seat.
He said, "if you need anything, just call me baby".
U smiled and nodded your head.

"Thank you so much jimin", jungkook said passing by and took his seat.
Jimin fake smiled at him.
Taehyung and Lisa, both were extremely confused.
They asked, "can anyone tell me, what happened"?
"Why is that shit holding ur hand and caring u as u r his girlfriend"? Lisa asked.

"U r right Lisa, he is my boyfriend, we are dating " u said blushing.

Lisa and taehyung, both got surprised, Their eyes widened.
"What? How? From When?" Lisa asked.
U told them whole story about that day and yesternight.

"U both kissed also?" Taehyung asked widening his eyes.
" Yes, we kissed" jungkook came from back and said.
Ur face turned red, "yeah u don't need to say those things", u shouted at him.
"Oh, okay baby", he said.

Jimin was just sitting and listening both of you.

"Thank you jimin, if u wouldn't say those things to me in library, I couldn't make y/n mine" jungkook whispered in jimin ears.
"Yeah, I am very glad to see you both like this". He smiled and replied.

"Baby, would you like to watch movie with me after school"?
"Let's go all together" u said.

"Yeah, I will" Taehyung said
"I don't like jungkook, I don't wanna go" Lisa complained.
Jungkook just rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, please Lisa atleast for me" , u pleaded.
"Okay I'll go just for you",
Lisa replied.

"Jimin, you"? Jungkook asked.
"No, I can't go" he said and left from there.

He came to the school terrace and sat there.

To be continued...

Next will be the second last chapter.

Next part publishing ASAP.✌️

I hope y'all are liking it◉‿◉

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