As she walked away, Sophie didn't look back. She walked to her old home, and gently knocked on the door. Edaline opened it and her eyes softened when she saw Sophie.
"Sophie! What do I owe the honor of having you come visit us?" she asked.
"Well, Dex and Marella wanted pictures with the Panakes, and I though I'd come say hi since we haven't seen each other in a bit."
"Don't you want to take some more pictures with them?"
"It's okay. I'd rather spend some time with you and Grady."
"Of course, sweetheart." Edaline replied, ushering her in. "Grady! Look who came to visit!"
Grady came downstairs, holding a scroll in hand.
"Sophie!" he called when he saw her. Sophie took a few cautious steps forward as Grady practically bounded up to her and hugged her.
"Hi, Dad." she whispered.
"We haven't seen you in so long! What have you been up to?" he asked, guiding her to the table.
"Nothing much, just . . . you know, Dex and Marella's wedding!" she replied, shaking her hands.
"It was very nice." Edaline interrupted.
"You guys were there?" Sophie asked. "I didn't see you."
"We wouldn't miss it for the world. Especially since Juline was so proud that Dex had finally agreed to date someone on his match lists." Edaline said.
"Yeah, I guess."
"You seem upset, honey. What's wrong?"
"I-I . . ." Sophie trailed off and then burst into tears.
"Sophie?" Grady asked, concerned. Edaline hugged Sophie until she had calmed down, but Sophie was still trembling.
"What is it?" Edaline asked.
"It's . . . me." Sophie replied shakily.
"What are you talking about? Was someone giving you trouble again? I thought the Council specified that people couldn't do that anymore, especially because you rid our world of the Neverseen. But also because you didn't deserve that." Grady asked, his eyes narrowing.
"No, it's not that. The problem with me is that I'm Unmatchable!" Sophie yelled.
"Honey, are you still thinking about that?"
"Of course I am! All of my friends are getting married or dating someone, but I'm still stuck here with an Unmatchable status because I can't tell anyone who my biological parents are." Sophie said. "Who am I kidding? I sound so petty right now. Sorry."
"Oh, sweetheart. There's nothing to be sorry about. I know it's been hard on you."
"No one seems to care, though."
"Sophie, everyone around you cares. They just have different ways of showing it."
"So Fitz practically forgetting about me is his way of showing it? And Keefe getting an amazingly stunning girlfriend shows how much he cares about me?" Sophie countered.
"Keefe got himself a girlfriend? But I thought . . ." Edaline herself trailed off, and then looked at Grady. He only shrugged, but his eyes darkened. "Are you sure she's his girlfriend? Maybe it's just a misunderstanding."
"Sure it is, he invited her to Dex and Marella's wedding as his plus-one. That definitely doesn't show anything. She also hugs him all the time."
"Sophie, that doesn't mean anything. Does it? You guys used to hug all the time, right?"
"Yeah, but that was before everyone got themselves a partner. Wasn't it?"
"Sophie, why don't you just try reaching out to them? You haven't hung out in a while."
"We already hung out today."
"That was for Dex and Marella's wedding, which is very important. But maybe a one-on-one with Fitz and Keefe?" Edaline questioned.
"Mom, they already both have a girlfriend. I lost my chance already." Sophie replied. Edaline only nodded sadly. "I guess I'm going to go now. I'll visit soon. I love you." Sophie hugged both of her parents tightly and pulled out her home crystal to Biana's house.
"We love you too, kiddo." Grady replied. Sophie smiled at her nickname. She held her crystal up to the light and stepped forward. When she got home, she trudged upstairs to her room to find Biana crossing her arms on her bed.
"Sophie, where have you been?" she questioned.
"I told you already, I went to visit Grady and Edaline."
"Yeah, but you couldn't have done it after the photos?"
"Sorry. Maybe next time."
"Sophie, could you answer me?" Biana asked, unfolding her arms and coming up next to Sophie.
"I couldn't stand it." Sophie whispered.
"You couldn't stand what, Sophie?"
"I couldn't stand that everyone was so happy and I wasn't. I know I sound like a jerk, because I should be happy for you guys. But with Dex and Marella's wedding, your and Tam's engagement, as well as Linh and Wylie's, and Keefe's new girlfriend." Sophie said, closing her eyes.
Biana quieted for a second, then asked, "Which are you most mad about?"
"Keefe's new girlfriend." she replied. Biana let out a breath.
"You like him, don't you?"
"I don't know! I'm so unsure about everything. I liked Fitz for so long, but then . . . Novaline. And then Keefe."
"Sophie . . . I don't know what to say anymore."
"That's fine. Can you go, though? I don't want to sound mean, but I need some time."
"I understand. I'll be going now." Biana said, stepping out of Sophie's room and quietly shutting the door. Sophie sighed. She didn't want to hurt Biana's feelings, but she didn't know what else to do. She took a quick shower and took Ella from her nightstand where she always lay. She needed her tonight.
When she awoke the next morning, she got ready and contemplated whether or not she should eat at home or find somewhere else to eat. She wasn't trying to avoid Biana . . . Oh, who was she kidding, of course she was. Sophie didn't want to upset Biana, so she traveled downstairs and found Keefe sitting at her seat at the table.
"Oh, hey Foster! I was wondering when you were going to show up." he called when he spotted her.
"What are you doing here, Keefe?" she asked, exasperated.
"That hurts, Foster. Can't we hang out anymore?"
"You should go hang out with your girlfriend. Not me."
"What girlfriend, Foster?"
"Please don't make this harder on me than it already is."
"But I don't have a girlfriend." Keefe promised, getting up.
"Why can't you just understand?" her eyes filled with desperation. "I'm leaving." Sophie walked briskly out of the door, leaving Keefe standing there, stunned. He called for Biana. Tears fell again, and she let them freely fall. This was not going to work.

You Instead
FanfictionSophie has always liked Fitz. But does she really? 7 years after the Neverseen is defeated, Sophie finds herself alone. Fitz hadn't wanted to deal with her Unmatchable status, and had given up on their relationship completely. All her friends have m...