Chapter 3

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Before Biana could come after her, which Sophie knew she would, Sophie pulled out a pale pink crystal that Mr. Forkle had given her. No one else had access to it but her. Mr. Forkle knew to respect her privacy, especially when she went here. She took a deep breath, and steeled herself for what was to come. Slowly, she stepped into the light.

"Hello, Sophie. It's been a long time." A voice called.

"I'm sorry it's been so long." She replied.

"It's okay. I know that you're very busy." They called.

"Where are you? I can't see you. If you really think about it, I haven't even seen you in a while."

"Here I am!" called a little girl, bounding up to Sophie.

"Oh, there you are, Arina!" Sophie said, pulling the girl in for a hug. She hadn't seen her friend in a long time. 

"How have things been? You haven't visited me in a long time." Arina asked.

"Nothing much, Ari. How about you?" 

"You already know no one else but you comes here, silly!" 

"Yeah, but haven't you been keeping busy?" 

"Not really. It gets pretty boring here, you know."

"Sorry, Ari. Maybe I'll bring someone with me next time."

"But isn't that not allowed?" Arina called.

"I guess you're right. Now, show me what you've been doing!" Sophie said, and Arina pulled on her hand.

"Come on, let's go!" 

Sophie laughed and said, "Alright, I'm coming."

Arina had jet black hair and curious green eyes. The elf had been abandoned by her parents, and Sophie had found her and befriended her. Mr. Forkle barely even knew her name, because Sophie hadn't told him much. She had only told him enough to get him to provide a place for Arina until she matured enough to go to the human world, where she wouldn't be discriminated against because of her eyes.

"Sophie, you're giving me that look again." Arina said, turning around.


"Are you going to stop visiting me when I have to go?" Arina asked sadly.

"Of course not. I'll visit you as often as possible."

"But won't it be weird? I'll have to move a lot since people will realize I still look the same. Why can't I stay here? With you? You have brown eyes, but you saved the world and now people don't make fun of you anymore."

"I haven't thought very much of it, Ari. I don't want to let you go."

"Then don't."

"Arina, I don't have a choice. The Council will probably figure out about you eventually. And when they figure out I didn't say anything about you, I'm not going to hear the end of it. I at least want you to be safe."

"Can't I just stay here?" 

"The Council is probably already suspicious about my whereabouts when I go to visit you. If I keep coming here they're going to find out."

"It doesn't matter to me, Sophie."

"But it matters to me! Your safety and wellbeing are my concern." Sophie said, her voice slowly rising.

"I'll face the scorn, Sophie."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you don't want me to leave, and neither do I. So I won't."

"Arina, didn't you listen to what I said before? You won't be safe if you stay-"

"I don't care!" Arina stood on her tiptoes to try to be at Sophie's height. She wasn't even close. "I've seen how you look when you come to visit me. There isn't any spirit anymore. So I'm going to stay here and fix that. I'm going to leave with you today."

"But Arina," Sophie sighed.

"No buts. You helped me and now it's time I repay you." Arina got off her tiptoes. 

Sophie didn't protest any longer. Arina was too stubborn for that. 

"Alright." she said.

"Yay!" Arina hugged Sophie tightly, and Sophie couldn't helped but smile. 

"Are you sure you really want to leave?"

"Positive." Arina replied.  

"Okay. Here we go." Sophie took a shaky breath and pulled out her home crystal. 

"I'm ready, Sophie. I want to meet all your friends and-"

"Woah there, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I don't want a lot of people to know about you. Rumors spread like wildfire, and they'll take a long time to get put out."

"Okay." Arina sighed, dragging out the y.

"Here we go." Sophie held Arina's hand tightly. "Are you sure your concentration is strong enough to withhold a light leap?"

"I've been practicing, Sophie!"

"Okay. But just to be sure, here's your very own nexus."

"Ohhh, it's pretty!" 

"I know. It's my old one that I got from my . . . friend's Mom."

"Let's go already!"

"Okay." Sophie replied, and pulled her and Arina into the light. 

When she got back home, Biana was pacing around in the living room. 

"Sophie! Where were you?" Biana asked, rushing up to hug her. Before she could, Arina stepped out from behind Sophie, waving.

"Hi! You're pretty." Arina said.

"Arina!" Sophie reprimanded. 

"Sophie . . . who's this?" Biana asked.

"Biana, this is Arina. Arina, this is one of my friends, Biana." Sophie introduced. 

"Where did she come from?" Biana questioned, pursing her lips. 

"I'll explain later. Arina, why don't you go get settled in my room? I'll show it to you." Sophie said, pulling Arina upstairs to her room. Biana trailed behind.

"Sophie, your room is so big!" Arina exclaimed, jumping on the bed. 

"Arina, why don't you play in here while I talk to Biana really quick, okay?"


Sophie went back downstairs with Biana in tow. 

"Okay, before you ask, she's an elf."

"But, she has green eyes. Doesn't she?"

"What's wrong with not having blue eyes?" Sophie asked. Biana's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh, sorry. Was that rude?" Biana asked guiltily. 

"I'm just kidding. But anyways, Arina was abandoned by her parents, from what she can remember."

"How old is she?"

"She's five. I found her last year." Sophie replied, and Biana took a deep breath. 

"She was only four?" Biana whispered.

"Exactly. I found her while I was visiting Silveny and Greyfell. She was really scared. But eventually I got her to come with me and Mr. Forkle gave her a place to stay."

"So that's where you went? To visit her?"

"Yeah. I haven't visited her in a while. She knows how to take care of herself while I'm gone. She's much too responsible for her age."

"Sounds like someone else I know." Biana said, raising her eyebrows. "We're going to make this work, Sophie. I promise." Biana told Sophie, pulling her in for a hug.

"Thank you. You're one of the best friends I could ever have asked for."

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