After Arina had been in the hologram room with Wylie for an hour, Sophie asked, "Linh? Do you know where the hologram room is? We probably have to get going soon."
"This way," Linh said, and started up the stairs. After going up a few flights of stairs, they reached the apex of the house. "Here it is." Linh gestured to the room in front of them.
"Arina?" Sophie called through the door.
"Yes?" a small voice replied.
"It's time to go home now."
"We can come back another time."
"At least come inside and see! It's so cool in here!"
"Okay, I'm coming." Sophie said, and went into the room. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, and Arina and Wylie's figures appeared.
"What hologram do you want?" Wylie asked, snapping his hands, forming different colors of the rainbow.
"Why don't you pick, Arina?"
"I want an alicorn hologram!"
"Sure," Wylie said, and snapped his fingers to create an alicorn made out of light.
"It's beautiful. You truly have a talent, Wylie."
After staring in awe for a few minutes, Sophie blinked slowly. "I think it's time to go now, Arina."
"But I probably won't even be able to come back here!"
"What are you talking about?" Wylie asked.
"Arina's biological parents want to take back custody of her. The Tribunal's tomorrow."
"What does that have to do with Arina not being able to come back?"
"The Amitrynes aren't the nicest people. I'm sure they wouldn't allow her to visit any of us." Sophie said, and hugged herself.
"Oh. I'll see if I can come tomorrow, then."
"Thanks." Sophie replied quietly, and stepped out of the dark room. "Come one, Arina." Arina took Sophie's hand and they descended down the stairs. Sophie took Keefe's hand and pulled out her home crystal to Biana's house.
"Bye," Arina waved to Wylie and Linh.
"Bye, Arina." Wylie said, as Linh rushed to hug her.
"I'm going to miss you if, you know."
"I'm going to miss you too." Arina replied, and Sophie leaped them away.
When they arrived home, Arina ran upstairs to her new room and shut the door quietly.
"What do you think she's doing up there?" Sophie asked.
"I don't know." Keefe shrugged.
"I should probably prepare lunch for Ari."
"Wait. Before you do that, could you tell me about Novaline and Melanie?"
"What about them?"
"The fact that they're sisters?"
"Oh. Yeah. We found out a few days ago when I went to the Seat of Eminence with Arina to settle her registry an everything. They were talking about the Amitrynes and how Novaline was registered under the family name while Melanie wasn't. And Arina wasn't even on the register, because they abandoned her." Sophie let out a sigh.
"That wasn't what I was expecting. Anyways, need help with lunch?"
"You can cook?"
"I think you'd be surprised at how many talents I have. Why don't you go sit on the couch?" I'll whip something up."
"You need to relax a bit, Foster. I'll take care of it." he intervened. Sophie only nodded and at on the couch, twiddling with her fingers. Around fifteen minutes later, Keefe yelled, "Hey, Foster! Lunch's ready. Can you call Arina?"
"Sure." she replied, and went to Arina's room. "Ari? It's time for lunch."
"I'm coming," Arina said, and opened the door.
"Let's go." Sophie said. "How do you like your new room?"
"It's nice." They walked in an awkward silence to the table. There was green soup set on the table, and Keefe was already sitting.
"Hey, guys! Sit." he said, and patted the seats next to him. Arina and Sophie sat down, and started eating. The flavor of pizza filled Sophie's senses, and she remembered the time when she and her human family had gone out for pizza. They rarely ever went out, since Sophie was an extreme introvert. However, it had been Amy's birthday and Sophie had been feeling up to it. After pizza, they had gotten ice cream at Mariposa Ice Cream, conveniently right next to the pizzeria.
"I'm done," Arina's voice brought Sophie back to the present, and she watched as Arina got up from the table and washed her bowl. She ran back to her room again, closing the door.
"That was fast." Sophie murmured. "I'm gonna go check on her. Thanks for lunch."
"It was no problem at all, Foster." Keefe replied, and picked up both of their bowls.
"Arina?" Sophie knocked on Arina's door, and it didn't open. Sophie pushed open the door to find Arina crying on her bed. "Ari?"
Arina tried to scrub away her tears, saying, "I'm okay." Sophie clambered onto the bed and hugged her tightly. "I'm scared, Sophie."
"Of what?"
"Of us being separated. It's scary." Arina said. Sophie was at a loss for words.
Finally, Sophie said something. "It's going to be okay. Whatever the outcome of tomorrow is. I'll see you whenever I can."
"I promise." Sophie said. They held onto each other for a while, Arina's tears slowly drying. "I think Keefe is probably worried by now. I'm going to tell him he can go home now."
"I'll go with you." Arina said, and took Sophie's hand again. Sophie smiled at the gesture.
Keefe was waiting downstairs, and when he saw them he brightened. "What's up?"
"You can go home now, Keefe. I don't want you waiting here forever." Sophie said.
"Okay, then. Bye." He hugged both of them. "Don't worry. I'll be there at the Tribunal tomorrow."
"Thank you. I appreciate it."
By then, Arina was hungry, so Sophie prepared a quick dinner and they ate in silence. They brushed their teeth, and Sophie finally said something. "Wanna sleep in my room tonight? Just for old times sake?"
"I would like that." Arina replied, and the door to Biana's house opened.
"Sophie? Where are you guys?"
"In the bathroom. We're brushing our teeth." Biana appeared in the doorway, scaring Arina.
"Here, Arina." Biana said, and handed the girl a charm bracelet. "In case, you know, tomorrow doesn't go so well. I even cleared my schedule so I can be at the Tribunal."
Sophie was warmed by her friends' willingness to be at the Tribunal, and she smiled. "Time to get to sleep. Goodnight, Biana."
"Night, Sophie. Goodnight, Arina."
Sophie went to sleep that night, worried for the high chance that there would be a terrible outcome tomorrow.

You Instead
FanfictionSophie has always liked Fitz. But does she really? 7 years after the Neverseen is defeated, Sophie finds herself alone. Fitz hadn't wanted to deal with her Unmatchable status, and had given up on their relationship completely. All her friends have m...