Chapter 24

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Everyone ate, Keefe constantly joking around and asking questions. 

"You're so annoying, you know that?" Tam said.

"You're not the greatest either, Bangs Boy." Keefe retorted. Tam was about to say something, but Sophie intervened. 

"Okay, guys. We shouldn't argue." They quieted and continued the meal in silence. "So, Linh, Wylie, when's the wedding again?"

"Like the last time you asked, a couple of months is what we're planning."

"Biana and Tam are getting married before you two, even though they got engaged after you guys." Sophie teased.

"We just want to take it slow. And I'm surprised by that, actually. Vacker weddings usually take forever to plan." Linh said.

"Really?" Sophie asked.

"Of course they do, Foster. They're Vacker weddings."

"Are you . . . going to invite Fitz?" Sophie asked. Biana shared a glance with Tam. 

"We're not sure yet, but we're hoping that whatever decision we make doesn't effect whether or not you guys will attend. But we wouldn't be very hurt if you guys didn't want to go."

"Of course I'd still go. We're friends. Who cares about Fitz?" Keefe replied.

"I guess you're right." Biana mumbled. Sophie got up suddenly, grabbing all of the plates since everyone was done. Rushing to the kitchen, she scrubbed them quickly but thoroughly and went back to the table.

"We probably should be headed out now." Wylie said. "To plan the wedding and all."

"Us, too." Marella added. "But not to plan for any wedding. We're already married." she said with a smile.

"Hail me if you need any help." Sophie said to Wylie and Linh, and hugged Ded and Marella before they leaped away.

"Me, too!" Biana exclaimed. After that, Biana dragged Sophie to the living room. "Sophie? I think I'm going to tell Tam."

"Are you sure?" Sophie asked. Biana nodded.

"If he isn't ready, then well he isn't ready. It's better to get it over with, isn't it?" Sophie felt bad for Biana, since she was in such an awkward position.

"Okay. If he tries to run away, call me right away and we'll kidnap him." Sophie joked. Biana gave a tentative smile.

"Thanks for your support." Biana said. Sophie gave a quick hug and a thumbs up, and Biana left the room.

"Keefe, could you come help me with this?" Sophie asked. She genuinely need helped packing up some of Arina's things in case in two weeks the outcome was the same as the last time. But she also wanted to give Biana and Tam some privacy.

(A/N): Hey! Usually I wouldn't switch from third person POV to a specific person's POV, but I feel like writing it as Biana telling Tam as well, Biana, would make it seem more realistic. 

Biana's POV:

"Tam? I have something to tell you." Biana said.

"Yeah?" he asked, turning around.

"So, we'll, you know how last week we got a little . . . tipsy?" Biana asked.

"Yeah, what about it? Listening to Alenia wasn't the greatest idea." he smirked.

"Well, you know how we woke up . . ." Biana trailed off. He nodded. She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." She said quickly, and turned away from him.

"You're . . . what?" He asked, shocked.

"I'm pregnant." she muttered. "I understand if you don't want that kind of responsibility, and we can break up if you want. I just don't want to ruin our relationship." she told him, and turned towards him slowly. It seemed slow, but his face stretched into a smile.

"You're pregnant?"

"Yeah. I am. I understand if you don't want to help me take care of them."

"What are you talking about? I'm not leaving you. Not for something like that. Never in a million years. This," he gestured to her stomach, even though there wasn't any sort of baby bump, "Is both of our responsibilities."

She teared up. "So you're not leaving me?"

"No." he said firmly. "Does anyone else know?"

"Only Sophie. She said that if you tried to run away to call her and then we'd kidnap you."

"I'd never do something like that. You know that, right?"

"Sophie thought that too. I was just . . . scared."

"We'll get through this, Biana." he assured. But how are we going to tell your parents?"

"I completely forgot about that! They're going to be so disappointed in me."

"Hey. It was a mistake, yes, but it is what it is."

"I guess." she bit her lip. "We can wait until after the wedding. That's close to the deadline Sophie gave me."

"Deadline?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She wanted me to tell you before the wedding, in case you didn't want to take care of our baby. She said then I wouldn't have to deal with divorces and all that." 

This time, it was Tam's turn to tear up. "Don't worry." he said, and kissed her forehead. And Biana knew that everything was going to be okay.

Back to third person POV:

"So, what was up with that?" Keefe asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You suddenly asked me to help you with something, and Biana looked all stressed."

"She told me something that she needed to tell Tam. I wanted to give them some space and respect our friend boundaries."

"Well, what did you need help with?" He finally asked.

"Packing up Arina's things."

"For what? Isn't she coming back?"

"I guess in case the Amitrynes still have custody of her."

"That isn't going to happen. Besides, if it does, we can pack it up then. You shouldn't worry about this stuff yet." he said.


"Please." he pleaded, and she nodded. "You should go to sleep."

"I'm not tired, and you know that." She replied, crossing her arms at him.

"Maybe I should give you a taste of what real sleepovers are like?" he dared.

"Okay, then. Show me what the Keefe Sencen is made of." she told him. He laughed and picked her up almost right away,  twirling her around quickly. "How is this related to a sleepover at all?" she asked.

"It isn't," he said.

"Let go!" she exclaimed, and he obliged. She flew through the air for a few seconds, but the ground came closer and closer and she realized what this was going to end in. A disaster. Keefe dropped to the floor before she collided with it and cushioned her fall, wrapping his arms protectively around her waist.

"Sorry, Foster. I didn't mean to actually let go." he said while laughing.

"Sure you didn't," Sophie replied, but laughed as well. While she was caught off guard, Keefe flipped them so that he was pinning her. His hands on her wrists, they were in a very awkward position when Biana came in.

"Okayyy. You two took things quickly." she said, and rushed out of the room.

"Wait! Biana!" Sophie yelled, but Keefe was still pinning her.

"You're not getting away from me, Foster." he said, and started tickling her. 

"Keefe! Stop tickling me!" she said between laughs. She eventually fell asleep in Keefe's arms, comforted by the fact that he was there.

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