Alice Cullen- Chapter 2

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This is dedicated to amiescheepers who asked me to continue :')

I own nothing, copyright belongs to Stephanie Meyers.


 I let the tremor take over my body and I subconsciously roll to the floor. No matter how hard I try i cannot forget my parents. The disappointment in their eyes. But they protected me. As long as they could. I could see my... ways disgusted them, they didn't understand me. But their love and affection for me kept me safe for many months after the horrific incident. It was said that I look more like my Mother, but i believe that it is an even split, 50 50. I have my Fathers colour of hair and texture. His is short and flat on the top of his head, thick and a deep, dark chocolate brown. His eyes were a startling shade of blue, average sized but you felt as if he could see right into your soul when he looked at you. He was quite short, but had a young, loveable face. Him and Mother were like chalk and cheese. Her hair was blond, but a darker blond. Her face was long, as was her hair, which reached the small of her back in flowing waves. She also wasn't tall but average for a woman. Her eyes are her best feature, a light, emerald green, and were slightly longer than the average eye. They got her a lot of attention. I am a mix of both, I have her green eyes, but my Fathers eye shape. My Fathers hair and height, but my Mothers slender figure.

 You see, I am different, but more so than you could ever imagine. I am not wacky, or dress funny, or act differently to anyone else. Yet I am pointed at, laughed at, humiliated by people who i believed were friends. I was considered normal, I had friends, I went to school, learnt like everyone else. I hoped to become a wife, find 'The One' and look after him. But no-one would take me anymore. Because... I can kinda see the future. A lone tear escapes my eye, but I wipe it away quickly, sitting up. 'Get a grip!' I think to myself, 'Mary Brandon never cries!' I try not to cry anymore, but sometimes it just happens. Personally, I prefer my middle name, Alice, it was my mothers name. But I keep Mary because it meant a lot to my parents, that was always going to be my name, even before i was conceived. My family was considered lucky at first, 'The Family of Luck' we were known as. Thanks to me, we were quite well off, because I could 'guess' the answers to competitions. But then, after I went to that meadow, our life spiralled down in to a deep pit of sadness that ended up with me... being here.


A young, short, pixie like girl wandered dream like into the giant meadow that a range of children were already gathered.

"Hey! Mary! Over here!" A young boy, of about 12 shouted excitedly, jumping on the spot. Mary's head snapped up as if she was daydreaming.

"Huh... Oh HEY! Tommy!" Mary shouted back, seeming genuinely happy to see him.

"Daydreaming again were you? Alice?" A little blond girl sneered unkindly causing Mary's face to drop and turn a tomato red colour. Her short black hair quivered as if she was about to cry. Tommy turned around to face the blond girl, and slowly walked towards her, stopping when he was quite close.

"Back off Nicole. Just 'cos she is prettier than..." He blushed a deep scarlet.

"What was that," Nicole paused, for dramatic effect, closing the gap between them, their noses almost touching, "Tommy?" She finished in her sneering tone, but more high pitched, imitating Mary's voice. Mary blushed deeper at Tommy's comment, but looked up at Nicole, anger masked all over her face. However, Nicole noticed the unfallen tears in her eyes.

"N'awww is ickle Alice gonna cry?" Nicole asked in a baby voice, her followers guffawed in laughter. Alice growled and the girls stepped away slightly from her.

"Be prepared for a storm..." Mary mumbled under her breath. All of a sudden, the rain came pouring down. Everyone else turned to run except two. Tommy and Nicole. Tommy looked scared, but that was nothing compared to Nicole's face. She was clearly terrified.

"You creep!" Nicole spat, "You creepy witch!" And with that she turned and fled. Tommy shuffled closer until he was near enough to touch her. He gripped Mary's hand and sprinted away, dragging her along with him. He knew what to do. She needed to hide before the Mayor came knocking.

*End of flash back*

I shoved my fist in my mouth to prevent myself from screaming.

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