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a poem about being free

Be no longer enslaved,

By sin, work, satan, and the world.

Hear His voice; believe and be brave, 

Go to Jesus and you are always heard.

God is with you wherever you go,

You are no longer shackled to the ground,

Just allow Him to enter your heart and He'll show,

That you are no longer a slave who was drowned.

Turn away from all grief and strife,

You are not facing your battles alone,

For Jesus was walking beside you all his life,

The faithful master and the precious cornerstone.

As the storm rages, calmness prevails,

As the flood arises, we are still assured,

Our loving and merciful God frees us from our jails.

His promises and our salvation are secured.

As the Israelites were redeemed by God, so are we.

We can find comfort and rest in Him!

We are no longer enslaved and we are all free!

If trials come, we rejoice for we can have more experience of Him!

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