Chapter 2: Distraction

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"You told me you loved me! And then I see you with another bitch!" I yelled at my boyfriend, Mark. "How could you do this?! And even worse she was my fucking cousin!" I was screaming and crying at the same time.
"Look babe, I'm sorry. But she came onto me. I swear!" Mark pleaded.
"She came up to me, talked to me, the she put he leg on my lap, her area on my area. And I was drunk.." He explained. I didn't want to hear any of this.
"Well you should've told her to back the fuck away! I don't care if you were drunk! You should've known in the little stupid head of yours that what she was doing was bad!" I shouted even louder. "But no! You brought her back to your apartment and fucked her! You didn't even think what would happen if I walked in. I loved you. Hell I still love you! But I can't be with a cheating prick-ass like you." I lowered my voice. "I'm done." I walked away.
"Babe! Lula! Listen to me! Stop walking away!" He ran to catch up with me, and pulled on my arm. "I'm sorry, please don't leave me. I need you. I want you. I love you. Please don't leave you are my everything." He pleaded, he said with his puppy-dog blue eyes. I use to cave in when I saw those eyes. Those eyes I fell in love with. I felt my heart break as I saw the tears in the corner of his eyes.
"Mark, I can't. You cheated. I don't know if I can trust you again... Even if you were drunk... Now please, let me go.." I said nearly on the verge of crying.
**end of flashback**

I woke up, noticing it was just a flashback of my break up with Mark. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. I grabbed my bag and rushed to the washroom on the plane. I searched through my bag. My bag that contained my razor. I pulled it out, rolled up my sleeves. I don't have much more room on my arms. I pull down my jeans to reveal my bare thighs. I rest the blade on my thigh. Not running it through my skin, just lightly resting on it.

"Please try to stop. And I'll try my best to stop."

I remembered what my brother told me before I left. I have to stop. For him. But I can't. This is my distraction from Mark. I'm going to keep doing this till the day I die. And sometimes I wish it were soon. I wish the other times it worked... I felt something drip from my leg. I look down, realizing I slit my thigh without even knowing it. It was kinda a relief. After five more cuts, I stopped. I washed off my blade, wiped off the access blood from the grounded and my leg and headed out to my seat on the plane. There was a lady, who by the look on her face was waiting a while to go. "Sorry.." I whispered when I rushed by her. I took my seat next to my aunt, who was peacefully sleeping. I pulled out my phone to check the time. We should be landing soon. I turned my music on and tried to sleep.

Sorry guys its short. There wasn't much to put in this chapter, but I promise I will try to make the others a bit longer.
The picture in the side bar is of Lula and Mark. Lula is walking away from Mark, while he is trying to catch up to her. The song is How Could You by Saliva. This song relates to their break up.

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