Chapter 9: Why she came so late

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~Mark's POV~

I stayed up all night thinking of why Alisha came so late. I don't know why I am making such a big deal out of this. Maybe she was hoping I was drunk so I would take her back, or at least hook up with her. But Alisha isn't the only reason why I stayed up. Lula popped in my head everytime I tried to figure out why Alisha came so late. I haven't spoken to Lula since the day she threw me out her door. Which well was not long ago. I wanted to go apologize to her, but she probably didn't want to talk to me. I made a deal to myself that I'd go talk to her tonight and apologize.
I got up from my bed and headed to the shower. Got undressed ans turned the shower head on.
"HOLY SON OF A WHORE!!!" I shouted. My cuts where stinging so much it hurt. It nearly made me cry. This told me not to cut anymore. I got out and got dressed. I made myself some breakfast and coffee. I sat down on the couch and ate it. Once I was done, I got up put my dishes away and headed out the door.
I walked the corridors of the hotel. I spotted Lula. With some guy. They were coming towards me. Well not to see me but coming my way. And that's Lula stopped. She looked at me with depression in her eyes. That's when I collapsed on the floor. My face hit the floor and then I blacked out.

~Lula's POV~

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!" I ran to Mark, who was on the floor unconscious and bleeding from his nose. I checked his pulse and it was still running. I checked his breathing and he was still breathing. "Jesse call an ambulance! Fast!" I pulled my sleeve down from Jesse's sweater, that I'm still wearing, and held it to Mark's nose. "Uh, Lula. You can keep that sweater now." Jesse said with the phone still up to his ear.
It'll be alright. It will be alright. I'm here for you. Just stay with me here.
I whispered to Mark and myself, repeatedly. I heard people running our way. When did Jesse end his call? How did the paramedics get here so fast? I didn't care at the moment. I just had to move away from Mark and let the paramedics deal with him right now. I didn't realize I was crying when I noticed Jesse put with arm around my shoulder and whispered "He will be alright". The paramedics looked at me. "Would you like to come and keep him company while we bring him to the hospital?" I shook my head and walked up with them. I looked back at Jesse. He had a saddening look in his eyes, but if I looked deeper, I saw amusement in his eyes. What the fuck? I whispered to myself.

~Mark's POV~

I saw Lula on the truck with some paramedics. I tried talking to them. I tried to comfort Lula considering she was crying. I got no acknowledgement. "Lula? Why are you crying?" She looked at me, with a shocked look. "Ohmigod! Am I seeing things? Sir look over in my direction. Do you see something, or someone?" I wasn't sure if I was going crazy or something. "No ma'am I don't see anything but you." Oh my god. I was going crazy. He was standing right in front of me. But his body is right beside me. How is this possible? I heard her whipser. Wait a minute. I looked over to where the paramedics worked. Oh my god. I was nearly dead. That's why Lula is here! Everything came clear to me! I walked over to myself. I whispered something in my ear.
Man, you gotta get through this. Wake up. You gotta apologize and everything. I heard someone open the door. Lula, still with a shocked look, and the paramedics walked past me and got to the hospital. I just outside of the truck. "Well, no that I am invisible, I can maybe do a bit of spying on Jesse. He kinda looks suspicious. I went back to the hotel in an instant. How the hell did I do that?! I thought to myself. Whatever. I have to get to Jesse's room. I heard screaming and banging. I entered the room.
Oh my fucking god.
He was with another. Fucking her. Oh my god! I had to do something. I grabbed Jesse's cell phone and texted Lula from his phone.

To Lula:
Hey baby, come home. I'll take care of you while poor Mark is in the hospital. This isn't going to help you.

In an instant, I got a text back.

To Jesse:
Okay I'll be there soon. I need to tell you something.

To Lula:
Hurry up supper is almost done. It'll be cold if you don't come quick.

About ten minutes after, I heard a knocked. I got the door. I feel human saying that. Mark stop. You'll be fine. Lula walked in. Avoiding me. Which is a good thing. I saw the sadness in Lula's eyes as she heard the screaming and the banging. She walked in to the room. "Oh my god! Jesse!" She shouted. "Oh shit! Lula! This isn't what it looks like!" Jesse defended. "Oh really?! It looks like you have your dick in her. I need should have trusted you! You used me for sex! You dick!" Lula walked out, but this time she saw me. I followed her. The door slammed after Lula. "Mark?" She said with her back turned to me. "Are you the one who sent the text?" She still had her back turned to me. "I'm sorry Lula. I just knew there was something suspicious going on, and I had to let you know. Cause you wouldn't believe me if I told you. You've been cheated on before. And I just don't like that other guys are doing my same mistake. Every guy would be lucky to have you. But, I know I'm just blabbing on, but Lula I love you. And I don't like seeing you hurt again. Or at all for that matter." She turned to look me in the eyes.


Hey you guys. Sorry it took long. I just had a lot of stuff to do like school and working on a new book. Its not published yet, but it will be, and you guys can start reading it, and I'll be updating it also. Okay,well what did you think? Did you expect Jesse to do that? Let me know. Okay, so the picture is of Lula in shocked when she finds Jesse with another girl. And that's Mark beside her.

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