Chapter 7: Hot date with hot bellhop

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~Lula's POV~

It was 7:05 when Jesse left. Now its 7:45, and my aunt just walked in.

"Hey honey feeling better?" She said walking into my room and me in a light blue dress with a pull over, my hair in a bow, and blue flats. "And what's going in here, might I ask?" I decided to tell her. "Um.. The bellhop - Jesse - asked me to dinner as a way to talk about what happened tonight. Is this too much?" I explained, looking in the mirror all self conscience. "Talk about what happened with Mark? Did something else happen? And no its just right." I was contemplating on tell her. "He came to the suite and we talked, and then got into a fight and I kicked him out. Its nothing." I looked at myself in the mirror, and then checked my phone.
7:50 pm.
Ugh!!! I can't wait for him to come already!! I can believe how much of an affect on me he has on me. Will this be it? My happily ever after??

Knock knock.
It was him!!! Okay calm down, I told myself. I walked up to the door and saw a nicely dressed man. He wore a black suit. He looked really sexy.
"Well hello, Lula. Are you ready for dinner? Oh and you must be her sister." Jesse greeted me and my aunt. "Oh no, I'm her aunt. Its nice to meet you." She said smiling. "Hello Jesse, shall we head out?" I said. "Indeed we shall." He held out his arm, and escorted me out of my suite. He was so sweet. (Haha I'm so funny, pff no I'm not I'm a loner.)

~Mark's POV~

"What the fuck?! Why is this door not opening?! Mark! Are you in there?" I was awakened to sound of Alisha yelling and hitting the door. "You better not be screwing that bitch!" Ugh I had a major headache already, did she really need to make it worse? "Oh shut up! I'm coming just give me a few minutes!" I love our relationship. Always yelling at each other. Okay, not always. This is the first time in a few months. I got up, put the empty bottles in the cabinet, and got to the door. God damn I was hungover. I managed to open the door, and I see Alisha with a horrified look on her face. She looked down at my arm and saw the cuts. Shit, I forgot those were there.
"Oh baby! What happened? Who did this to you? Was it that bitch we saw at the modeling place?" She asked coming up to me slowly, I had to start to back up. "Uh... Look babe, I'm going through a hard time and I wasn't thinking and I came across a razor and well..." I looked down at my arms. It wasn't a complete lie. I didn't yell her about the drink, although something tells me she found out... "Mark, have you been drinking?" She asked. "Uh..." I had no way to answer this. "Mark don't lie to me." She seemed like she was getting angry.
"Look Alisha," she seemed shocked when I said her name instead of babe.
"We need to talk." "About?" She had a confused look. "U-us. I don't think this going to work anymore... After I saw Lula again today, I realized how much I still love her..." I can't believe I just said this. "Nope. This isn't happening. Your hungover and tired. You don't know what you're talking about."
"Alisha! Yes I do! I-i want to break up. Now." By now I was pulling out her things from the dresser throwing them on the bed. "Get out. Now. Please. Don't make this harder than it already is." I couldn't look at her while she picked up her things. "Fine. Have a nice fucking life you prick ass." She yelled as she finished packing up. "I'll come back tomorrow to get the rest of my shit.

~Lula's POV~

"This was fun." I said to Jesse as we walked out of the diner. "Yeah it was. I got to spend the night with a young beautiful girl like you." He made me blush when he said that. I wanted to spend all night with him, and like he was reading my mind he asked, "Would you like to come up to my suite? We can put on a movie. I have a pair of pajama pants and shirt you can wear if you want to get out of that dress." He looked like he was blushing when he asked that. "Yeah sure. I'd love to."

Hey, sorry guys that it took awhile to update. Okay maybe it didn't take too long but it felt like it. Well anyways, I hoped you guys liked it. Tell me what you think of Alisha. And no, this isn't that last you see of her. Well the picture in the side bar is a picture of the outfit Lula wore on her date. Hoped you guys liked it, and I'll try not to take as long. Love you guys.
Baii :3

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