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After work, I was extremely exhausted and fatigued, which meant that I would instantly go to sleep when I went back home, but there was something on my mind that I needed to get off me, which was a huge step to take and I did not know how Reed would react, I would consider myself ready for this decision but it was more so a wise one to take, as we were beginning to progress further in our relationship, which was adoption.

I had a small conversation with Reed regarding intimacy and fertility before as well and there was this constant fear of it in my heart which he very well understood but I wanted to have a family, and what better way to do this when I had the privilege of adoption, as there were so many children who needed a home and my parents kept nagging me about starting a family but I wanted to not feel any pressure in this regard. I gently twisted the key in the door lock and walked inside, seeing that Reed was not home, I quickly assembled the ingredients our chefs had cooked for us and made dinner, while also setting up the table. Reed walked inside with his assistant who placed his bag and all other essential items in the bookshelf in our entrance then he hurriedly went outside. "How are you, love? How did your day go?" I smiled, wiping my palms with the apron that was hung around on my neck, "Good, it was good. How was your day?" Reed smiled, pouring himself a glass of water, "It's much better now, seeing that you are healthy and safe." My heart melted into two, we both sat down for dinner, and then I decided to pop the question, "Reed, I wanted to ask you something?" He looked up at me and nodded, "I am all ears, is everything alright?" I restlessly stirred my drink, "What do you think about starting a family?" The room went silent, his eyes were now fixed upon me and he had left all his food, "I would not want anything more in this world than to have a family with you." I smiled, "Me too but what about adoption, do you want to adopt a child?"

"Violet, adoption is a huge step and we have to keep both our families on board with this, we both have a business empire and there needs to be someone who can assemble it, our child. I don't mind adoption but it's a huge thing to do, what about consulting a general practitioner?" I sighed, "Reed, I am not ready for that intimacy part yet, but all my friends now have children, I also want someone whom I can call my own, my very own child. Isn't adoption the same?"

"Love, I perfectly understand your concerns, they are very valid. I can wait for a few more years as well when it comes to having our own child, don't be pressurised by other people. Let's have our own kid, how does that sound?" I nodded, "I think you are right, that would be better, considering our position." I picked up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, cleaning some pots when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, "Aren't you going to sleep now? This is so tiring." I lightly laughed, "In a bit, I am almost done." He wouldn't leave his position so I kept doing my work like that until I finally was done, "Let's sleep now, we have another hectic day tomorrow, right?" I puffed some air, "You're right, I should probably get going." I pecked Reed on the cheek and went to my room, wearing a comfy set of pyjamas, turning on my light night and falling asleep, it had started to rain lightly and there was some thunder as well. My body shook violently because combined with tiredness and the constant urge to stay alert when the thunder roared, I was at a loss of how I should react.

There was no other way for me so I decided to slowly go outside and ask Reed if he could join me because I was scared which was terribly embarrassing but I had no other choice, I slowly turned the doorknob, "Sweets?" I whispered into the dark. "Yes love, is everything alright?" I shyly answered, "I am really scared of the thunder, can you sleep in my room for the night?" There was silence and in the next moment, Reed was beside me, beckoning me to go back in my room with him, where I was finally able to sleep, me on my side and Reed on his. With the rain pouring heavily in the background and the rhythmic sound of our breathing, I was able to fall into a deep slumber. "Violet, I really want to have a child with you, start my own family and it means the world to me that you have this topic your attention, but it's my deepest desire to have my own child with you." I smiled, listening to his thoughts, my eyelids already feeling droopy.

Time Lapse ( 1 and a half year)
I looked at the parcel and bundle of joy wrapped tightly in my arms, while Reed's parents were also congratulating me for the child. A lot had taken place over the course of the last year and a half, me and Reed decided to have an intimate family wedding in Rome, Italy. It was per my request as we wanted to avoid any media coverage which would be unnecessary; secondly, I had agreed to having my own child but the gynaecologist sadly broke the news to me that I would not be able to conceive one which left me devastated. I had cried for days, left food and drink whilst Reed decided to stick through with me. It took us quite some time to figure out where we wanted to go from there and the only option left was surrogacy, and luckily, my friend Sarah had agreed to carry the child which was such a relief. I went to her house everybody, took care of her and did everything in my ability to make sure that the child was safe and secure. Being a friend, it was my duty to do this as well. And now, our family had been complete with a baby boy.
Reed had been smiling from ear to ear and my parents were extremely happy as well, being grandparents was their biggest dream. "So what should we name our child love?" Reed kissed my forehead, "I have been thinking of a name." He cocked an eyebrow, "Oh have you really?" I rocked the love of my life from side to side as he smiled in his sleep, "Miles." Reed grinned, "It's a beautiful name but why Miles?"
"It's symbolic. It symbolises the journey we have made, all the figurative miles we have travelled, growing and helping each other develop. It's a new step in our relationship." Reed patted my head, "It's honestly amazing, so do you like your name Miles Wilson?" Miles stirred in his sleep, "Do you think he can hear us?" I laughed at his innocence, "I am pretty sure he can." The cameraman motioned for us to assemble for the family picture. "Are you all ready?" Reed and my parents sat on the huge sofa and I smiled, pure bliss showing on my face. The camera flashed and the photographer complimented us, "What a beautiful family."

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