Chapter 47

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Violet's POV

"Hi Violet, you look gorgeous, sorry, I mean eh, half decent." I frowned, "Same old, same old. He chuckled, "I'm just joking, you look amazing, but did you bring your guitar?" I patted the space below my seat, "Yup." Troye beamed at me, just like a kid on Christmas morning, "That's great, you'll have to sing me a special song now." I rolled my eyes, "No Troye, I am definitely not going to sing, you'll obviously make fun of me." He frowned, "You know I would never do that now Violet, I may have done in the past, but now, never." There was a hint of determination in his eyes and a deadly silence between us, "Ugh fine, I'll do it." He fist pumped in the air, "Thank Jesus, you're so demanding at times." I scoffed, "Demanding? You literally want me to sing a song for you and obviously I have to act like it's a once in a lifetime thing." He laughed, "I'm joking, you're about to be surprised by where I'm going to take you." The car ride was long and I continuously stared out of the window as we drove into the downtown area, close to the posh area, then we parked outside an empty building and I became sceptic. "Are you sure this was your idea of an amazing outing?" Troye locked the car, "Yup, don't worry I'm not going to kidnap you, I'm not a psycho." I chuckled, "Can't trust anybody in this century." It looked like an empty warehouse but it was surprisingly clean and the machinery was still inside, which made it look like it had stopped working recently. Troye led me to a flight of stairs and I hesitantly climbed them, unsure of what to do if he suddenly attacked or did something idiotic. "Violet, you look so tense, don't you trust me?" He then stopped in his tracks and looked at me dead in the eye, "I-I do but-" He interrupted, "Then come on, I have an amazing surprise planned for you." I regained my composure and walked up the stairs until he opened the roof door to reveal two beach chairs, candles and a perfect view of the New York City. "Do you like it?" He scratched the back of his neck, "Troye, you did all this alone, just to talk?" He shrugged, "Yeah I guess." I gasped as I walked forward, "No way, I mean, this is all so aesthetic." Troye motioned for me to sit as I placed the guitar beside my chair, I could practically look at the city from here as the cold air whipped through my short hair, was this another dream? "Troye, this is amazing, I am so glad that you did this, I am speechless, I can't even think of a word." He chuckled, "This is nothing Violet, now you had a song for me?" I gulped, "You'll never like my singing Troye." He laughed, "Come on Violet, you know you're perfect, just one song, please." I rolled my eyes, "Just one."   I sat down on the beach chairs and opened my guitar case to reveal a magnificent mahogany Fender guitar that was in its pristine condition. "Any favorites?" He shrugged, "Surprise me." 

Mentally, I decided to sing Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood which was an all time favourite and the message behind it really struck me when I heard it back in the subway; I could not forget that one moment. "Take you like a drug, taste you on my tongue." I strummed on the guitar rhythmically, enjoying the scene around me, oblivious to the fact that Troye was right next to me, "It's crazy what you'll do for a friend." I sang the whole song, not knowing if it was perfect or not, neither did I strive to be the best. "I love that you got daddy issues, and I do too." I looked at Troye's face whose jaw was hanging open, it felt nice to impress him. "I'm sorry if it was not that good, I was not in the mood." Troye shook his head, "Wow, do you call that your worst, imagine yourself at your best." I chuckled, shaking my head in response, "I wasn't even that good Troye, come on, stop lying." Troye looked at me dead in the eye, "You know I wouldn't lie Violet, especially about you." Nobody had ever said that to me and imagining Troye saying that was nothing less of a miracle, I would not lie, I did have an infatuation towards Troye, mainly because he was my rival and I always wanted to be like him but over time, I realized it wasn't worth it. We'd be together, act all perfect for a few years and break up because we would get tired of seeing each other; if we ever did get together. Moreover, I never had any inclination towards relationships later, nor would I ever. 

"Why would you come back Troye, I thought you had greater things that you wanted to pursue in life?" We were both now looking down the building, staring at the gorgeous New York city skyline and the lights that danced like sporadic stars in the night. Troye shrugged and leaned against the railing, "You know Violet, I never understood life, it was terrible for me at first, breaking up with the girl I almost got engaged to, found an amazing job but left it due to depression, but here I am, same old." I felt sympathy for Troye, "I am so sorry you had to go through that, I never imagined your pain, we were friends; I-I should have called your parents at least..." Troye interrupted, "It's not your fault Violet, I am happy where I am right now and there's no place I would rather be than right here, New York, my home, the place where all my roots and confusions make sense." I smiled, "I am glad you feel that way." We stared down at the road for quite some time, watching as people and cars passed by; until Troye finally said, "I had an amazing time Violet, but it's time that we go back now."

I entered the apartment to find it empty as usual, except that there were occasional sounds of the water running or the blow dryer from Reed's room; until I finally decided to open my room and rest for a while since I would have to stay up the whole night to complete the presentation, flooding back all the college memories that I had. As soon as my head hit the soft  pillow, I entered dream land and wanted to never wake up until I had the worst dreams I could have ever imagined. 

Me, Reed and Troye were both standing in a black room, miles apart from each other but the horrendous part of the story was that there was a gun in Troye's hand which was pointed directly at Reed, his eyes looked visibly dead and it was like he was programmed to do so; in the blink of an eye, he fired a bullet towards Reed and at that moment, I did not think about my life and I stepped in between. "No!" With that, I woke up and screamed, gasping and panting for air. I heard the scuffling of feet outside the door and Reed barged in, to see me coughing and struggling for air. "Oh my god, Violet." He rushed inside and held me close, until I gained my breath. "Violet, are you okay?" I shook my head, calming down my nerves. I flinched backwards and gulped down a glass of water beside my table, "I'm fine now." Reed got up from the bed, "I was about to knock on your door, there's a dinner at 10 o clock tonight hosted by Mr. Smith, my business partner, judging by your emotional health, it's best you don't." I nodded, "I wasn't in the mood either." Reed turned towards the door, "I'll be going alone then, just-just take care." I nodded, "Will do."

Later at night, I was completing my presentation when I got a message from Troye, "Thank you for joining Violet, hope to see you again." I smiled but why was I so joyous when my dreams meant something else. But they were just the mere creations of my imagination, I could do something else, if I wanted. 

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