Chapter 14

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Violet's POV

Me and Reed were both sitting on the counter-top eating our breakfast the maid had prepared, honestly speaking, it was quite delicious. There was a thick atmosphere around us, thank God I had a night-long shift today; those were the best kind of workplace moments. I was really missing my parents and I had promised to meet them everyday after work, though we did talk for a bit this week but nothing special came up. So, after work, I was going to spend time at their house, "Reed, I'm going to stay at my parents' house tomorrow and day after that as well, so can I go stay there if you don't need anything?" He looked up from his phone, "Sure you can, you really don't have to ask me, I'll call Melanie over or something." At least, he would have company. "Okay, then we'll see each other on the 21st, bye, stay safe," I remarked. Reed hummed and went back to his phone, probably texting his girlfriend. I took out my mini suitcase and packed all the essential items I needed for my stay and called Mom, "Hey Mom, how are you?" She gasped in surprise, "Violet, how are you sweetheart?" I smiled, "Good, how are you?" She chuckled, "Good love, tell me, what's up?" I asked, "Mom, can I come over for two days, it's so awfully boring here and so awkward." She laughed, "It's your house bub, you can come here whenever you want for as long as you want." I exclaimed, "Well I'll see you tomorrow then." I hung up the phone and gathered all my supplies, "Bye Reed." 

"Bye Violet." I took out my bag and essential items to the car and made sure everything was in place, "Okay, seems like we're good to go." I sat in the driver seat and sped away, excitement was bubbling through me. After reaching the hospital, I greeted Patricia and walked towards my office, my pager buzzed in my lab-coat and I had a message for an open heart surgery. I left my supplies in the office and walked towards the ICU, after getting ready with my mask, gloves and all other essential items. I wore my plastic Crocs on the way to the room and nodded my head, greeting all other surgeons. It was ironic how I had a long and important surgery as soon as I had entered the hospital. 

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