Chapter 28

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Violet's POV

I gawked at Reed, like I had no clue what was happening and everything was going down-hill, why would I have to be trapped in this toxic marriage that was out of touch with reality. "What-what in hell do you mean?" Again, he slowly sipped from his wine like I had all the time in this world, "Reed, I need answers quickly, I don't have all the time in this world?" He stood up from the sofa and placed the glass on the counter top,"You heard what I said Violet, I don't speak French." He clearly needs a psychological evaluation because there was a high chance that billionaire Reed Wilson was clearly bipolar. "Stop making me go round and round in circles, I need answers Reed, not another one of your shitty stories," I huffed. He was clearly getting on my nerves, "Let me put it into perspective Violet," he grabbed another wine glass from the cabinet and placed it beside his used one, "so you see, I'm the used wine glass that has a bad reputation in public, but you Violet, are this immaculate, chaste, literate and independent woman who makes me look somewhat better in public." But then what he did, shocked me to the core, he threw the wine glass on the floor. "But sadly, this marriage will break before you know it, taking your sanity with it." A thought struck me, "But you're already the used glass, what about you? How do you expect to stay sane making another person insane?" He laughed devilishly, making me want to run away and hide in the shadows of this building. "Eager aren't we? Always thinking of ways to bring me down." A wave of anger built inside me, "Don't forget Reed, you don't hold any dominance over me, I petty the girls who you have wrapped around your little finger, do you really love Melanie? After all she's just a-" Reed stopped me in the middle of his sentence, "Don't-utter a single word after what you've just said." Reed bent down and picked a shard of glass from the ground, "You know what, just shut up Reed, we both know that you are a liar, cheater and a prick!" Before I could storm off into my room, Reed grabbed my wrist, really hard. "Let go of me Reed, go bury the regret somewhere else." He just shook his head, "Does infidelity really hurt you when the touch of this glass seems such safer?" With that, he traced the glass piece on my forearm, it trailed blood. My head began to spin as a line of blood trickled down my hand and fell on the shiny glass on the floor, creating an effect of millions of red crystals that lay on the white marble floor. "What did you just do?" I screamed at him and locked myself up in my room, the only place where I was sane. He didn't even knock after that, he slammed his room really hard, startling me. My heart was leaping out of my chest, it was indeed going to be a long night before sleep overcame me. My forearm still hurt like hell, I wanted to report him for domestic abuse what with money, even the police seemed like your own personal security guard. After a while, I cleaned the wound and bandaged it up, "This only the beginning of eternal pain." My mind echoed various thoughts that seemed so true and futile at the same time, a knock on the door brought me back to reality. I opened the door to find Reed, wearing his night attire as he gently took hold of my forearm, there was an unexplainable emotion in his eyes, then he quietly left without a word. Perhaps silence was the best form of communication between us, those broken shards of glass represented what we had. Never friends nor enemies.

In the morning, our breakfast was quiet as we both prepared for work and that maid kept circling around Reed like a vulture, obviously she could have him. Why did Melanie love him? Was he Reed 2.0 in front of her and yet again, there's a slight possibility that he's bipolar? "I'll bring a guest over at home today, so uh, you can stay out late if you want to." I smiled internally, "When have I stayed out late Reed?" There was awkwardness written on his eyes, "Yeah you're right anyway." I really wanted to tell him that I had a late night shift today but that would be futile because we both had no interest in each other's lives, I was dying of boredom anyway. I would go for shopping today anyway because I wanted to clear some things that were stuck in my head. "I'll come late home too because of a late night shift at work today." He nodded, disinterested as he eyed his phone with zero interest what was happening around him. When would these four years pass because they were starting to feel like eternity?

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