Chapter 17

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Violet's POV
"Violet, tell me, I'm your friend," he cooed me. It was not helping at all, it was all my fault, I was probably a disgrace to my parents and to my own self-esteem. My tears were now becoming strangled because my throat was tired from all the pain and constant crying; probably it would have to get used to me crying. "I'm-I'm tired of me living, I don't want to take someone's life anymore." I heard him sigh as I moved away from the door, I went inside my room and locked myself up. I heard knocking on the door, it would probably Reed. "Yes?" my voice came out tired. "I wanna talk to you Violet, please just give me one chance to make our friendship work." My soul laughed at me, "We can never be friends Reed, this all wasn't meant to be, we have different ways and if friendship was sold like this in markets then there would be no trust." There was silence, I lay on my bed mouse-still, straining to hear a sound but none came. "Just one chance at redemption Violet, I would like to hear your problems than your suicide story." My entire senses became alert, it was as if my whole body was aching to open the door but my mind and soul were in conflict but I wanted them to be in unison for once. Feeling as light as air, I opened the door and saw Reed leaning against the door-frame, with his hand stretched out. "Friends?" A smile crept up on my lips, was he crazy. "Friends." We both shook our hands and an unknown sensation arose in me, it was if my entire body had exploded with tiny electric sparks that erupted throughout my whole soul. "Come on, lets talk." We both sat on opposite seats in the living room and there was a thick atmosphere between us. "It was not your fault Violet, the woman had to die, it was written in fate, it's okay." A lump formed in my throat, "Why does it feel so wrong? Why does everything go against me?" Reed sat on the empty space next to me, "It feels wrong because you make the wrong part out of it, just believe in the good Violet, I know you're upset but I'd be a criminal if I let you be this way." There was an uncomfortable silence between us, "Why do you want to be my friend? I thought you loathed me?" He looked out the glass windows, "I never loathed you Violet, I was about to propose to Melanie that day when my parents broke out the news, then I realised that we could be good friends to support you because you were so alone." I got up from my chair too, "I guess we're both fighting our own demons then." He studied my face, "You're right, I guess we are." We both looked outside, "You can talk to me too Reed, if you can invest your time in me then I can listen to your worries too." Our gaze met for a second, "Thank you." I looked at my watch, "I guess it's too late then, good night." I turned to walk away but then I felt Reed pull me towards him, I gasped. He hugged me, okay that was awkward. "I wish to be as strong as you Violet." We hugged for merely 6 seconds and then I patted his shoulder, "It'll take some time my friend." He laughed, "That I know." He wanted to say something, "So uh, me and Melanie are going out for 4 days to France, to celebrate our 7th anniversary, so if you wanna go to your parents' house then you're most welcome." I smiled, "Congratulations and there is a communication gap between me and my parents." He nodded in understanding, "Sure, just tell me whenever you need to talk about it." That night was made a little easier and it felt so good, to have someone support you whenever you needed it.

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