Chapter 25

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Violet's POV

It was a rather tedious Saturday morning, both of my parents were late to the breakfast table, God knows why. They were always on time and at times it was me who would be 30 minutes late to eat food whilst my parents kept calling me downstairs as I slept and entered my wild imaginative land. "Hey Sonya, do you know where Mother and Father are, they are never late for breakfast?" Sonya kept cleaning the same glass over and over again, until it was immaculate and shining. "Ma'am, they are not home, did I forget to tell you?" I sighed, another day of being alone, should I just go back to my apartment? Those memories haunt me and I never want to go back into that dreaded room again. After eating my usual avocado toast, I worked out for a bit even though it was not advisable for me to lose weight because I severely needed to gain some. I wanted to forget the fact that Reed had called me yesterday but I just couldn't. After I mentioned a divorce, the line went dead. Would he be angry if he came back? Why would someone be mad at me for saying the truth, but I don't look for repentance in the face of sinners, would I be able to forgive Reed and reconcile with him if  Melanie disappeared out of the picture? I got up from my yoga mat and I wanted to kill myself for even thinking about this, we were not meant to be, there are boundaries between us for good reasons and I can only imagine the circumstances to be different even though they can never be dissimilar. But do you hope for them to be different?

Reed's POV

After landing in Paris, Melanie and me were indulged in shopping and all of the lavish expenditure on small cafes and restaurants. "I needed this break Reed, thank you so much for taking me away from all the hectic work back in New York." I kissed her forehead, "No problem bub, I want my future wife to be happy and always have a smile on her beautiful face." There it was, her million dollar smile that lit up my empty heart. But there was a void, that was filled with regret and wrong decisions that needed to be completed. I felt my phone ring in my pocket and I excused myself from Melanie as I walked towards a small shop, "Hello?" There was silence. "Hello? Who is this speaking?" Again, no answer. "Really, but I know who you really are." I was in utter confusion, "I am really sorry, this must be a wrong number." The person cackled on the other side, "Reed Wilson, owner of Wilson Industries, married Dr. Violet Emery MD, world-class surgeon, fiance to Melanie Marquez,  a model. Anything else?" Panic bubbled to my surface, who was this person and what did he want. "Look, what do you want and who are you?" I heard the phone line muffle as he moved to another area. "Looks like I have one of your fake wives here with me in New York, would you like to talk to her?" Fear and anger rushed through my veins, Violet, did not deserve to be dragged into this mess. "Reed, please, I'll be fine, Mother and Father will figure this out, don't disturb your vacation for me please, I'm fine." 

"You clearly do not deserve this woman Mr. Reed, a player like you never deserves this kind of compassion," the unknown man remarked. "Let Violet go, I'll give you anything you want in return." Nothing except saving her crossed my mind. "100 million dollars into the bank account I am texting you, I know you're in France but I'm afraid you'll have to cut this trip short." I looked at Melanie who was looking at the Gucci store. "Fine, but don't you dare touch the girl or you don't know my outreach." He laughed, "You have my word Mr. Reed." I quickly contacted my assistant, Samuel. "Samuel, we have a problem. I need you to track a number, I'll be landing in New York, in about-5 hours or so." 

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